music in the park, psychedelic furs

An Inconvenient Truth
Screenplay written by: Al Gore
Narrator: Al Gore
Directed by: Davis Guggenheim
Rated: PG (mild thematic elements)
Al Gore’s riveting documentary on the controversial topic of the
causes, effects, and implications of global warming that premiered
in January of 2006 at the Sundance Film Festival had a passionate
and compelling message. Although abbreviated showings were
necessary due to the small number of worldwide copies of the film,
Premiere Cinema’s progressive management persevered and made sure
South Bay residents had an opportunity to experience this important
An Inconvenient Truth

Screenplay written by: Al Gore

Narrator: Al Gore

Directed by: Davis Guggenheim

Rated: PG (mild thematic elements)

Al Gore’s riveting documentary on the controversial topic of the causes, effects, and implications of global warming that premiered in January of 2006 at the Sundance Film Festival had a passionate and compelling message. Although abbreviated showings were necessary due to the small number of worldwide copies of the film, Premiere Cinema’s progressive management persevered and made sure South Bay residents had an opportunity to experience this important film.

He Said:

A career politician’s filmed dog-and-pony-show of the controversial and important scientific conclusions related to global warming made me initially skeptical of An Inconvenient Truth and the underlying motivations. With such important “facts” and forecasts of the implications of those facts to digest, the film’s assertions were less credible by the infrequent but obvious political overtones. To less-than-subtly suggest that our country, and the world, would not be on such a frightening environmental path if Gore’s vote count in Jebb Bush’s state of Florida had reported differently seemed so self-serving. Absent the world-renowned international authorities who have spent so many dollars and computer analysis hours to come to different conclusions, I, for one, felt that the documentary’s arguments were just that, arguments for consideration, not necessarily proven facts or validated projections. Case in point, creating the energy needed to run an eco-friendly vehicle (electric) could create more pollutants than a commercially available energy efficient gas powered vehicle would. But putting all that aside, the An Inconvenient Truth could do a service to society in changing the venue of the international conversation conducted in the classrooms and in the papers of academia or by self-serving special interest groups in boardrooms to dining room tables to further the examination of global warming and its effects on the earth and mankind. If getting to us in our neighborhood theaters is instrumental in raising our conscience and or creating consensus and action, for that alone, An Inconvenient Truth should get worldwide appreciation.

On the R&R Scale (1-10):

8 for script: Interesting and thought/action provoking.

6 for direction: Relating the sources of data and opposing views more comprehensively would have improved Gore’s intent to convince the masses.

8 for acting: Gore’s commitment was not “acting” and he was effective in leading us to “our own” conclusions.

7 for plot: Well paced for a documentary 100 minutes long.

8 for entertainment Value: For a documentary.

7.2 Overall

She Said:

I will simply summarize and respond to Bob’s comments by sharing with our readers the text of the e-mail I wrote to those I love after seeing An Inconvenient Truth. This is a “MUST SEE.”

“Dear Family and Friends,

Occasionally, a documentary communicates such an important message* for consideration in terms of our choice of priorities over the course of our lifetime (and in terms of questioning how authentically we live within ourselves and with other living things) that we are forced to question how our individual and collective action or inaction will impact our children and the earth for all time. Putting any political sub-texts aside, An Inconvenient Truth is such a film. In my opinion, it is a moral and ethical imperative to seek out this film, view it with an open mind, digest it, and individually examine and re-examine the claims of this documentary’s important messages – from now on.

*The words “Important” and “Message” are defined in the American Heritage Dictionary: im·por·tant (¹m-pôr”tnt) adj. Abbr. imp. 1. Strongly affecting the course of events or the nature of things; significant: an important message that must get through; close friends who are important to me. 2. Having or suggesting a consciousness of high position or authority.

mes·sage (mµs”¹j) n. Abbr. msg. 1. A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.

Love, Kath

On the R&R Scale (1-10)

8 for script: A lot of sincere Gore; elaborating on opposing views or quoting sources could have improved credibility.

8 for direction: ” ”

8 for acting :” ”

10 for plot:Perhaps, as riveting as it can ever get…

9 for entertainment value: Too frightening to be entertainment; viewing value represented here instead

8.6 overall: A must-see for a documentary.

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