Wow! I am in shock, just like I was when South Street got
repaved! I’m going to have to go out and celebrate tonight!
I never thought the city would do anything like improving the
gateway to Hollister or even care to.
Wow! I am in shock, just like I was when South Street got repaved! I’m going to have to go out and celebrate tonight!
I never thought the city would do anything like improving the gateway to Hollister or even care to. I live in a newer development in west Hollister and have always directed out-of-town visitors to come in through San Benito Street. I always felt embarrassed to have people come in via 156/San Juan Road because its ugly, dirty and unkempt. The first impression you get is that you are entering a slum.
Hollister is a nice place surrounded by natural beauty, and this is why I choose to live here. This town needs to be showcased a little better. Cheers for somebody finally taking action!
Alex Garcia, Hollister