There are a lot of complaints from most San Benito High School
students, but slow walkers on campus are usually what students
gripe about the most.
Pretend you are a student walking to class on the SBHS campus.
Your pace is set and you are all pumped to get to class when
suddenly, out of nowhere, some kid cuts you off and decides to walk
slowly in front of you. Not slow, but slooooooooooooow.
There are a lot of complaints from most San Benito High School students, but slow walkers on campus are usually what students gripe about the most.

Pretend you are a student walking to class on the SBHS campus. Your pace is set and you are all pumped to get to class when suddenly, out of nowhere, some kid cuts you off and decides to walk slowly in front of you. Not slow, but slooooooooooooow.

SBHS is so huge, so during “passing time” all you see are bodies moving. It’s hard enough that we all have to bottleneck by the Old Gym (the O’Donnell Gym), but we all squish together, which reminds senior Elizabeth Medeiros of cows.

“I think of cows when people walk slow. We are like one giant herd, and the Campos (campus supervisors) are like the sheep herders for cows,” she said.

This pretty much sums up the frustration I feel when I am trying to get to class or out to break. Because of these people, I might not be able to get out to the “Roach” (vending bus) on time to get that breakfast burrito I was craving during first block.

“I hate when people walk slow in front of me, especially when I’m in a rush,” said junior David Blanco.

It becomes quite a problem when these slow people prevent you from getting to class on time. And I know that everyone hates it when all the slow people prevent you from learning. I know I do!

There is also another group of people who are annoying. These people walk in a line, so they hold up the walking traffic. They only walk in a line because they want to walk side by side.

“You can’t get around them,” explains senior Amy Baxter.

This is so frustrating because you end up practically breathing down their neck, hoping that they get the hint they need to walk faster.

And don’t you hate it when they stop?

“They stop right in front of you and you have to wait or walk around them,” rants senior Gallane Tadesse.

OK? Who stops right in the middle of a moving crowd? That is an obvious no no! I wonder if they even know what they are doing. Are they even paying attention? You would think that they see the hundreds of people having to dodge out of the way at the last minute. I feel sorry for the people who walk right behind these people, not knowing their plans to stop. These are the people that end up smashing into backpacks. There should be some kind of speed limit that prevents these people from wasting everyone’s time.

You know the more I think about it, the more accurate Elizabeth’s “cow theory” seems to be. You have to admit it is kind of funny. We students are just a big herd that migrates six times a day, Monday through Friday.

So if you are reading this and you are a slow walker, a person that walks in a line with your friends or just someone who stops in the middle of a crowd, I don’t know what to tell you anymore. I guess now you are aware of your crime. So if you are a slow walker, and you see someone in a hurry tying to get around you, be a nice person and move out of the way. I know that would make me a lot happier.

Chantel Guajardo is a senior at San Benito High School.

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