Grads and dads take center stage in South County
Last week was a busy one in South County! Between all the
graduation ceremonies and parties and Father’s Day, it seems like
everyone had something going on last week!
Congratulations to all the 2008 graduates, and there were many!
South County graduates include John Donham and Annie Nino from King
City High School, and Edwin Mendoza, Jeanine Madson, Marissa
Donovan and Logan Brimage from Bitterwater-Tully School.
Grads and dads take center stage in South County
Last week was a busy one in South County! Between all the graduation ceremonies and parties and Father’s Day, it seems like everyone had something going on last week!
Congratulations to all the 2008 graduates, and there were many! South County graduates include John Donham and Annie Nino from King City High School, and Edwin Mendoza, Jeanine Madson, Marissa Donovan and Logan Brimage from Bitterwater-Tully School.
The Nino family hosted a barbecue for Annie Saturday at the 72 Ranch, while the Donham Family hosted a barbecue for John Sunday at their place. Bittewater-Tully School hosted its graduation and awards ceremony last Friday at Tully Hall, and the ceremony was followed by a delicious barbecue and potluck. Some of those community members enjoying the evening included: Ruth Records and Roberta Oswald, Jeff and Jean Schmidt, Donna Hansen and the Donham family. Karina Mendoza, a Bitterwater-Tully alum and a graduate from the University of California at Los Angeles, was the guest speaker during the ceremonies, and she did a great job.
Congratulations also go out to Carolyn Madson, who was elected student body president for King City High School next year. Her sister, Natalie, was elected vice-president for the sophomore class. Just a few more Bitterwater-Tully alumni at their finest!
Speaking of Bitterwater-Tully School, have you noticed the new school sign which was installed last week? It will definitely keep the community aware of what’s happening at the school, and it looks great too.
Hope all you Dads out there had a great Father’s Day. We celebrated by roping a few steers and having a barbecue with some friends.
I found my second rattlesnake of the year last week. I found the first one in my garage a few months ago. This one was in my backyard and he was a big one. Be sure to keep your eyes open as they are out in full force now.
Anniversary wishes go out to Mike and Brandi Garza, who celebrated their anniversary last Saturday. Condolences go out to the entire John Madson family on the loss of John’s sister, Francie, last week.
Flashback: Forty years ago this week in South County, Mrs. Tom Pettit was reported to be progressing well after being bitten by a rabid skunk. The skunk wandered into her Pine Canyon area washroom and bit her on the ankle. Jack Hayes was re-elected to head up the King City High School board of trustees and Mrs. Allen Gill was re-elected as clerk. The King City Little League concession stand was closed for the remainder of the season due to too many break-ins and theft of too much candy, ice cream and bubblegum. Prices at Safeway included ground beef for 42 cents a pound, pork loin chops for 99 cents a pound and sirloin steaks for $1.28 a pound.
The annual Memorial Roping takes place Saturday at Bolado Park in Tres Pinos beginning at 8 a.m., and the San Benito County Saddle Horse Show and Rodeo will kick off the next morning with the Figure 8 eliminations and Association Barbecue. Sunday’s events start at 8 a.m. followed by the barbecue at 1 p.m. The horse show and rodeo will take place next weekend, June 27-29 at Bolado Park.
Have a great week and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.