Spring has finally sprung in South County
It sure looks like spring has arrived in South County; the grass
is growing tall and the wildflowers are starting to bloom. It’s so
nice to drive around or be outside working when the weather is nice
and the grass is so green. Take it all in and enjoy it as we all
know, it doesn’t stay green around here very long these days. The
weather was so nice last weekend, I’m afraid it might start waking
up those lazy rattlesnakes. Keep your eyes open as they will be
crawling out of their holes anytime now.
Spring has finally sprung in South County
It sure looks like spring has arrived in South County; the grass is growing tall and the wildflowers are starting to bloom. It’s so nice to drive around or be outside working when the weather is nice and the grass is so green. Take it all in and enjoy it as we all know, it doesn’t stay green around here very long these days. The weather was so nice last weekend, I’m afraid it might start waking up those lazy rattlesnakes. Keep your eyes open as they will be crawling out of their holes anytime now.
Birthday wishes go out to several folks who celebrated last week. Nessen Schmidt celebrated his birthday last Friday while he was vacationing in Hawaii, and Les Sans celebrated last Saturday. Kris Flores celebrated his birthday last week as well.
The Bitterwater Tully K-4 students went on a field trip last week to the Sol Treasurer’s Art Gallery in King City. After a tour of the gallery, Mrs. McKean gave a brief lesson on water-color paintings, then, the kids each got to paint a picture of their own. The kids all did a great job and will enter their pictures in the upcoming Salinas Valley Fair in May. If you haven’t been to Sol Treasures yet, be sure to stop by. They have some beautiful art work in there on display and for sale.
Emily Brewen spent last weekend at another steer show, this one in Bakersfield. As usual, she had another successful weekend. She will be fully prepared to do extremely well at the Salinas Valley Fair.
The Lady Mustangs Basketball team got together for some fun over the weekend. To celebrate their great season, the girls we given the gift of a limo ride that took them to Santa Cruz for an evening of dancing and fun. The ladies attended a teen night dance at the Catalyst. Santa Cruz has some interesting people and the girls got a first hand taste of it, next year they think they’ll try a teen night dance in San Luis Obispo instead!
My little corgi dog did it again – she went and got herself bred by one of our border collies, which, produced another litter of “borgies.” Fortunately, all but one have found new homes, but the last one is in need of a home ASAP! If you know someone looking for an adorable, fat little female, give me a call. She’s ready and waiting to go away.
Have a great week, enjoy the weather and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.