There sure was a change in weather last week. Fall is definitely
in the air. It was cold and windy last Friday, which made it even
colder for the King City High Homecoming football game last Friday
night. But it is that time of year. Christmas will be here sooner
than you know it!
Many birthday wishes go out those who celebrated birthdays last
week. Tatum Hurley celebrated last Friday the 10th. Gregg Johnsen
celebrated on the 7th and Denise Donham and Doug Stephens
celebrated on the 8th. Doug was celebrating his 16th birthday so a
surprise party was held in his honor at the Chopper Stop Deli on
Wednesday night.
It’s homecoming in South county
There sure was a change in weather last week. Fall is definitely in the air. It was cold and windy last Friday, which made it even colder for the King City High Homecoming football game last Friday night. But it is that time of year. Christmas will be here sooner than you know it!
Many birthday wishes go out those who celebrated birthdays last week. Tatum Hurley celebrated last Friday the 10th. Gregg Johnsen celebrated on the 7th and Denise Donham and Doug Stephens celebrated on the 8th. Doug was celebrating his 16th birthday so a surprise party was held in his honor at the Chopper Stop Deli on Wednesday night.
If you haven’t been there yet, be sure to stop by and give it a try. They have great sandwiches, salads and burgers. Chef Andy catered Doug’s party and served the most delicious chili verde. It reminded me of the old City Cafe chili verde that we all miss so much. I didn’t realize that parties could be catered at Chopper Stop but now that I know, I would highly recommend it. The food was great and so was the service. Some of those on hand to help Doug celebrate besides many family members included the Britt Davis family, Jack and Mary Harbin, Yvonne Bray, Marvin and Kambree Borzini and the Sans family.
King City High School celebrated homecoming last week with lots of different activities taking place throughout the week. To honor homecoming, and the remainder of the home games for the year, Billy Muniz donated his time and energy to paint the coolest looking Mustang logo on the 50-yard line and painted both end zones in a blue and white checkerboard design. It took a lot of skill, time and effort to paint the logo on the field.
Unfortunately, someone took it upon himself or herself to vandalize the field on Thursday night. They cut off the head of the Mustang and dug big holes throughout the field, obviously thinking they were going to ruin the homecoming. Little did they know that it would take more than that to bring down the spirit and pride of the Mustangs as folks banned together to bring the field and the great Mustang back into tip top shape before the opening kick off. I hope they find whoever was responsible for the vandalism and I hope they are punished for their rude and inconsiderate actions. Billy Muniz did an awesome job and many thanks go out to him and to all those who helped.
Congratulations to the mighty Mustangs on their great homecoming victory against Watsonville, defeating them 22-7.
Congratulations also go out to Bitterwater Lady Badgers volleyball team. The team, coached by Tamra Barrington, is currently undefeated for the season with a record of 7-0. This week the girls will be playing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Expo in King City at 5 p.m. Be sure to stop by to support our Badgers. They play even better when they’re being cheered on by all the community members!
The K-4 students at Bitterwater Tully School spent last Thursday on a field trip to the Bear Valley Fire Department. There, the firefighters taught the kids fire safety tips and drills. The kids and teachers all enjoyed the day.
The presidential election is really heating up nowadays. If you aren’t registered to vote yet, be sure to get that done. Don’t give up your right to vote in one of the most important elections in history, and remember, if you don’t vote, don’t complain. Election day is Nov. 4 so be sure to get registered today!
Have a great week, and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.