Looks like our usual Indian Summer has settled in for a while
down here in South County. We had some beautiful, warm days to
enjoy last week. As usual, there was a lot happening down here
again last week, some news will have to wait until next week to
write about!
Looks like our usual Indian Summer has settled in for a while down here in South County. We had some beautiful, warm days to enjoy last week. As usual, there was a lot happening down here again last week, some news will have to wait until next week to write about!
First off, birthday wishes go out to Denise Donham, who celebrated her birthday last Wednesday.
Cynnie O’Connor hosted October’s hot lunch last Friday at Bitterwater Tully School. She cooked her delicious enchiladas, chile rellanos and rice. Some of those stopping by to enjoy lunch included Ellen and Allison Schwarz, Donna Palmer, Alma Carlson, Jessica, Kaylie and Maclean Miller and myself.
Rose Prewett left me a message that she attended her 60th King City High School reunion last weekend.
The King City Riding Club held its final gymkhana and year-end awards BBQ last Sunday at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds. Those competing from South County included: John Henry and Katie Donham, Cheyenne Rey, Jenna Lombardi and Mark Cabral, and Sierra Jo, Buddy and Brody Sans. It was great to see the improvement that the kids made since our first gymkhana of the year in April. Katie Donham got my vote for most improved! The kids had a great day as the competed in the morning then headed over to the park where we BBQ’d while they played in a jump house until the awards ceremony. All of the kids received something and they all seemed really happy with what they got. Congratulations to all of you!
Lance and Jessica Miller have been on the road again. They’ve been hitting all the Southern California rodeos. Lance had a great weekend two weeks ago when he won a go-round and the average down in Banning. Get well wishes go out to John Flook, who broke his shoulder down there too.
Believe it or not, Halloween is almost here! Bitterwater Tully School is hosting its annual Halloween party on Oct. 26 at Tully Hall. Mark your calendars now, everyone is invited and it is a lot of fun.
Hope you have a great week and if you have any news you’d like to share, give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com.