It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
It looks and feels like a winter wonderland down here in South
County these days. The hills and valleys are covered in frost and
snow that hasn’t been melting during the day. It’s been so cold the
past few mornings that the doors to our vehicles are frozen shut!
The roads have been extremely icy the past few days as well. I sure
hope it warms up soon and we get some much needed rain. That would
be the best Christmas present of all.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It looks and feels like a winter wonderland down here in South County these days. The hills and valleys are covered in frost and snow that hasn’t been melting during the day. It’s been so cold the past few mornings that the doors to our vehicles are frozen shut! The roads have been extremely icy the past few days as well. I sure hope it warms up soon and we get some much needed rain. That would be the best Christmas present of all.

We took advantage of the dry weather last weekend as we had a kids’ only calf branding last Sunday. We had a handful of calves that we let just the kids rope. The kids did a great job and they had a great time doing it. Helping out on the branding crew were Dawson and Lilla Bell, Cash Robinson, Taylor Hurley and Twyster Hurley, Wacey Barrington and Sierra, Buddy and Brody Sans. Some of the adults on hand to help out included Wyatt Bourdet, Dean and Nikki Bell, Johnny Joe and Darlene Maggini, Kenny and Valerie Reed, Hec Hurley, Andy Barrington, Vern and Jo Ann Scattini and me and Todd.

Also taking advantage of the dry weather to brand a few calves last weekend were Bill and Robin Rist. They branded on Saturday and some of those helping out included J.W. Brewen, Tracie Egglston and Kenny and Valerie Reed.

The National Finals Rodeo has been going on the past week in Las Vegas. Many South County residents head there for a little vacation during the rodeo. Casey Sabin spent last weekend there while the Bell Family has been there for several days as Dawson and Lilla have been competing in the dummy roping. Brody is celebrating his 13th birthday this week and all he wanted was to go to the NFR so my parents and I are taking him and his buddy, Cash Robinson to the final performance on Saturday night. We’ll be sitting right above the roping chute so keep an eye out for us on TV!

Les and Betty Sans were among the many who attended Stan and Jamie Pura’s annual Christmas tree cutting party last Saturday afternoon. Stan and Jamie took a whole group of party goers over to Bourdet’s Christmas Tree Farm to search for Christmas trees. Les said the party was a good one. We were sorry to have missed it.

Have a great week and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me with any news you’d like to share at we********@ao*.com.

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