So, how ’bout those Giants?
Wow, I can’t believe the Giants won the Super Bowl. What an
What a terrible end to the perfect season for the Patriots and
Tom Brady. I was hoping to witness history with that win. It’s very
unlikely we’ll see another season like that in a long time. Even
though many fans were disappointed, I bet the 1972 Dolphins were
ecstatic. It was a good game though, and, even though I can’t stand
the Giants, they did deserve the win. Their defense was amazing and
they obviously wanted the win more than the Patriots. Now that
football season is officially over, I can only hope that my Broncos
have a better season next year!
So, how ’bout those Giants?
Wow, I can’t believe the Giants won the Super Bowl. What an upset!
What a terrible end to the perfect season for the Patriots and Tom Brady. I was hoping to witness history with that win. It’s very unlikely we’ll see another season like that in a long time. Even though many fans were disappointed, I bet the 1972 Dolphins were ecstatic. It was a good game though, and, even though I can’t stand the Giants, they did deserve the win. Their defense was amazing and they obviously wanted the win more than the Patriots. Now that football season is officially over, I can only hope that my Broncos have a better season next year!
I talked to Roberta Oswald last week regarding rain totals in South County. She has records dating back to 1910 and according to her records, January 2008 was the wettest January on record. Well, if we can’t witness football history in South County, at least we can witness weather history! Roberta reported a total of 7.51 inches for the month of January while George and Donna Palmer reported a total of 6.15 for the month and 14.50 for the year. This week should be dry and warmer later in the week. Hopefully the grass will really grow now.
Kasey Hurley hosted a baby shower last Saturday at her home for Brandi Schmidt-Garza. Some of those there to help welcome in little Rebecca (due on Feb. 21) were: Donna Hansen, Jean Schmidt, Mary Ann Mallory and Shannon and Chance Cromer, Val Bassetti, Jessica Brooks, Sara Schmidt, Candace Brewen and me and Sierra Jo.
Kelly Falsey informed me the other day of a great trip that Guy and Jacey took to London, England, over the Christmas holiday. Jacey and Jessica Gayton were selected to represent the King City High School cheerleaders in London for the United Cheer Association. Guy went along as the girls’ chaperone. They got to experience a lot of tourist attractions during their two-week stay after participating in the New Year’s Day parade, which was quite an experience in itself! While there, they also visited Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, they shopped at Piccadilly Square and rode the largest Ferris wheel in the world, The Eye of London. They had a trip of a lifetime, something they will always remember.
The King City High Lady Broncos basketball team is still riding high in their undefeated season with only one week left to go. They played in a thriller last week against Pacific Grove, the game could have gone either way, with the Breakers giving the Broncos their toughest competition all season. But, true to Broncos form, the girls pulled off the win in the final minutes of the game, winning by a mere 5 points. Mandy Muzylowski had another great game racking up 14 more points to her year end total. Unfortunately, the Lady Mustangs didn’t fare as well as they lost in a heartbreaker to the Lady Breakers. Kayla Hager had a great game and was the leading scorer for the Mustangs. The Mustangs did have a great win last Wednesday at home against Gonzales, but unfortunately suffered another loss last Friday to Santa Catalina. The season winds up next week so let’s hope for the Mustangs to win out for the rest of the season.
Vern and Joann Scattini hosted a houseful during the Super Bowl last Sunday. Some of those there enjoying the game included Laurence and Donna Hansen, Jeff and Jean Schmidt, the Whitney Family, Wyatt Bourdett and Lacie Taliaferro, The Brewen Family, the Johnsen Family, the Sans Family, Casey Sabin and Nessen Schmidt and Val Bassetti. Many of those in attendance were rooting for the Giants, but, those of us Patriots fans were defiantly in shock in the outcome of the game.
I hope you all remembered to vote on Super Tuesday. A lot is at stake this year so be sure your voice is heard! Have a great week, and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.