This is one American who is squarely behind President Bush.
Dear Editor:

This is one American who is squarely behind President Bush.

I’m getting tired of hearing the carping about “give the inspectors more time” and “We must get the approval of the security council.”

Since when did we elect the secretary general of the UN to run our country? A television anchorperson referred to the difficulty in gaining consensus from U.S. allies such as France, Russia and China. Since when did Russia and China become our allies?

Saddam Hussein has had over 11 years to comply. He has personally murdered opponents. He has rapists on his payroll. He has used nerve gas on his own citizens. Convicted criminals are not just sentenced to prison, they are also mutilated. Iraq is a country that runs on fear.

After World War II the world said “never again;” but it did nothing about Cambodia where a million people were killed. It did nothing about Kosovo, and it now wants us to do nothing about Iraq. When will we do something?

Washington liberals are now saying that war with Iraq will detract from the war on terrorism. Before George Bush, there was no war on terrorism.

War with Iraq would be very personal for me and my family; my son is a serving officer in the U.S. Army in Europe. I will worry every minute he is in harm’s way, but I will be damn proud of him and every American service person who risks it all.

So, while the inspectors try hard not to find anything, and the liberals wring their hands, I’ll be thankful we have a president who has the guts to do something about the horror that is Saddam.

Rich Petersen


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