Around the Water Cooler panelists answered the following: Considering all the issues with airline travel, would you take extra efforts to avoid traveling by air these days?
Ruth Erickson: “It depends where you’re going, but if journeys to and from the airport are included plus the time required for TSA and checking in, it can be quicker and less complicated to drive.”
Jim West: “Absolutely! How old is he? He’s so old he can remember when flying was pleasurable.”
Marty Richman: “Yes, we go out of our way to avoid air travel if at all possible. We let the kids and grandkids do the flying at our expense. Younger folks have energy to absorb the psychological and physical battering you get these days and many still see travel as an adventure. You can drive to Las Vegas in under eight hours and the back roads to Tahoe are spectacular in the spring and the fall. The time, expense, and inconvenience just makes air travel a hassle for older people – who needs it?”
Bill Mifsud: “No. You are more likely to have a car accident then by air. Airline safety records are still tops among all ways to travel. Airline accidents get magnified more often thus making it seem like it is unsafe.”
Mary Zanger: “No. The Emirates Airlines run enticing commercials, which sure want me on their highly comfortable and safe flights. They just seem rather expensive. Netanyahu assures all tourists and business travelers that flights into Tel Aviv are perfectly safe. There is no damage anyplace. However I would never fly into Israel to satisfy that murderous government. I will continue with domestic flights and feel safe as the pre-flight screening continues.”
Richard Place: “The government has taken the fun out of flying now. It’s like being in the service instead of a vacation.”