This year’s San Benito and Anzar volleyball teams are both
similar in talent this season. Although the Balers, receive most of
the attention, the Hawks, who are the defending Division 5 Central
champions, have a strong team as well.
This year’s San Benito and Anzar volleyball teams are both similar in talent this season. Although the Balers, receive most of the attention, the Hawks, who are the defending Division 5 Central champions, have a strong team as well.
They are in two separate leagues and usually never see each other except for scrimmages. The Free Lance would like your opinion on the teams for a future article.
Please give us your opinions and thoughts about which team is better. Let us know why you believe a certain team is better and, of course, if you have any connection with the team.
Responses must be received by Oct. 27. Send them to nm*****@fr**********.com, fax them to 637-4104 or call 637-5566 ext 334.