Safety needs to take pedestrians, bikes into account
Returning to Hollister, I have noticed recent roadwork. Living
in this town 25 years, I have seen little improvement to this towns
pedestrians safety. Noticing improvements made to the already
existing downtown area and schools. I am concerned that the streets
around our schools and parks do not have bike lanes. New roadwork
by Sunnyslope school, the skate park and Veterans Park leave me
wondering if bike lanes were even considered?
The last major improvement was made to Sunset Road. How long has
it been since pedestrians were safe from moving vehicles.
Clearview Drive and Sunnyslope Road through Valleyview do not
have sidewalks on at least one side of the road. This is a safety
concern for all pedestrians; mothers walking there babies and
students on bikes.
In my opinion Sunnyslope is a busy road especially with school
back in. It leaves much to be desired with pedestrian safety. I was
a victim riding along Sunnyslope Road when a moving car stuck my
bike jolting me into the middle of the road. Today I continue to
ride my bike along roads in Hollister as many residents do. I would
like to promote a safer and a healthier town. Let us keep Hollister
pedestrian friendly by improving side walks and adding bike
David Flores
Safety needs to take pedestrians, bikes into account

Returning to Hollister, I have noticed recent roadwork. Living in this town 25 years, I have seen little improvement to this towns pedestrians safety. Noticing improvements made to the already existing downtown area and schools. I am concerned that the streets around our schools and parks do not have bike lanes. New roadwork by Sunnyslope school, the skate park and Veterans Park leave me wondering if bike lanes were even considered?

The last major improvement was made to Sunset Road. How long has it been since pedestrians were safe from moving vehicles.

Clearview Drive and Sunnyslope Road through Valleyview do not have sidewalks on at least one side of the road. This is a safety concern for all pedestrians; mothers walking there babies and students on bikes.

In my opinion Sunnyslope is a busy road especially with school back in. It leaves much to be desired with pedestrian safety. I was a victim riding along Sunnyslope Road when a moving car stuck my bike jolting me into the middle of the road. Today I continue to ride my bike along roads in Hollister as many residents do. I would like to promote a safer and a healthier town. Let us keep Hollister pedestrian friendly by improving side walks and adding bike lanes.

David Flores


Parental involvement important for students

Now that classes have begun parents will have an opportunity to support their children in school. As a veteran elementary school teacher (16 years) I would like to offer advice to parents of children in kindergarten through eighth grades.

Parental involvement is important because parents are the students’ first teachers. As parents we know how our children learn best. It is extremely important to meet your child’s teacher and let her/him know about your child’s background and learning habits. At the same time, find out about your child’s classroom activities and programs for language arts, math, science, social studies and art.

In the home it is important to support your child’s education. Every day ask your child what happened in class. Look through your child’s backpack and read all her/his papers, to find out if she/he has homework or notes from the school. Make sure your child has a quiet location to study at home and offer your child opportunities to read books or stories that your child chooses. There is a lot of research that shows us that children who choose their own stories to read become good readers. If possible go to the county library with your child and find out if you may check out books for your child from the school library.

At school it is important for parents to attend meetings to find out more about the school’s programs and services. If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress it is important to meet with your child’s teacher as soon as possible to try and figure out how to best serve your child.

Education should be a partnership between parents, teachers, administrators and students. Parental involvement is a critical part of improving children’s learning. Parents can join school committees, meet with staff when you have concerns, attend school board meetings when you have questions, concerns or disagreements about education policies. Parents have a right to talk with administrators and get on the school board agenda. You have to contact the school district office to learn the procedures.

Parental involvement is critical throughout your child’s educational development. Most parents want to ensure that their children’s needs are always met, which means that schools are teaching to the whole child, that they learn more than rote memorization of facts and that our children are not overly subjected to testing at the sacrifice of teaching. Most parents want their children to be successful learners. I believe that most parents want their children to develop strong academic skills, become problem solvers and grow up to contribute to the well-being of their families and communities. That is why parents must be involved in schools.

Joe Navarro


Voters need to turn out Nov. 2

Candidates of the Party of Obstruction have revealed their three-part program to save our nation. 1. Destroy Social Security. 2. Destroy Medicare. 3. Borrow an additional $364 billion from China to finance 10 years of tax cuts for wealthy Americans. There are patriotic Americans fighting hard to get these candidates elected. Americans who want to put America back to work at decent paying jobs and end this grinding recession have to vote November 2. The only way to get America working is to have a record voter turnout November 2.

Frank Crosby

Morgan Hill

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