City workers try to repair a broken sewer pipe on San Benito Street on Wednesday afternoon.

About a block of San Benito Street remains closed off to traffic
as city crews repair a pipe that ruptured this morning, likely
caused by tree roots growing into the line, a city engineering
official said.
About a block of San Benito Street remains closed off to traffic as city crews repair a pipe that ruptured this morning, likely caused by tree roots growing into the line, a city engineering official said.

A main in the middle of San Benito Street between Palm and Vine streets – near the Nash Road intersection – broke this morning and led to the detour.

City Engineering Manager Steve Wittry said officials believe tree roots got into the pipe and caused the rupture. He explained how the roots can essentially “sniff out” such water when there is a leak, especially in the “older areas of town.” A crew used a camera placed underground to conclude roots caused the damage, he said.

Wittry doesn’t expect the road to be closed yet tonight. It should be completely fixed by Thursday, he said.

“It should be a one-day deal, but it could stretch into two,” he said.

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