Aromas-San Juan Unified School District officials have selected Aromas resident Angelica Medina as a trustee to fill the fifth seat vacated in late November.
Medina is a full-time mother who has lived in the district for four and a half years. The board appointed her at a meeting last week.
“I care not only about my children’s education, but about every single student’s education,” Medina wrote in her board member candidate application.
San Juan Bautista resident Jean Zlotkin, a former Aromas-San Juan Unified School District board member from 1990 to 1992, also filled out a candidate application but withdrew it after she learned a parent was running, said Superintendent Ruben Zepeda.
“We only ended up having one real candidate that was selected with the board,” the superintendent said.
Medina replaced Jose Flores, who resigned for “personal reasons” just before Thanksgiving to allow his wife, Maria, to pursue a potential promotion in the district, which she could not do if her husband was a trustee.
After Flore resigned, the board had 60 days––or until Jan. 24––to fill the position either by special election or by an application and interview process. To keep the costs of the process low, they chose not to hold an election and met with candidates for a public interview at the regularly scheduled board meeting last week.