His life will be celebrated with a gathering of neighbors and friends near his home in Morgan Hill to be followed later by the scattering of his cremains on the Cape Cod waters he so loved. Memorial gifts may be made to Town Cats, P.O. Box 1828, Morgan Hill, CA 95038 or One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding, Inc., 15770 Foothill Ave. Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Deceased’s funeral arrangements by Johnson Funeral Home
 Brooks passed away at his home in Morgan Hill. One of two sons of wonderful, now deceased parents, he is survived by his brother Gordon of Cape Cod, MA, as well as two nephews, a niece, two grand-nephews and a grand-niece.
 Brooks moved to California in the 1960s after serving honorably as an officer in the US Air Force, during the Vietnam era, following his graduation from Stetson University [Deland, FL] with a B.A. degree.
 He retired in 2000 from Hall & Rambo, insurance brokers in San Jose, CA after a successful career spanning more than 30 years.
 His pastime passion was golf, a game learned as a child, and played more than weekly with local friends. Â
 Brooks was actively involved as a volunteer and supporter of two Morgan Hill charities, Town Cats, a no-kill feline adoption center, and One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding, an equestrian center providing service to those with significant physical disabilities.