62.8 F
September 19, 2024

Newsom outlines plan for state budget deficit

California is in a budget hole, its depth measured not in feet, but in dollars. How deep? A projected $38 billion deficit, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said Jan. 10 he will declare a fiscal emergency when necessary and unveiled his initial plan to...

Apartment complex fire displaces 34 Hollister residents

A fire destroyed two buildings in an apartment complex on Line Street Jan. 6, leaving dozens of Hollister residents suddenly without homes over the weekend, according to city officials.  In the days since the blaze, an outpouring of donations and community support for the victims—driven...

Guest view: Historic signs of progress coming to San Benito County in 2024

While 2023 was an eventful year for San Benito County, I am particularly excited about three endeavors coming in 2024 that will undoubtedly improve the quality of life in our community.  Those efforts include the county hitting its stride with $28 million in unincorporated road...

New law allows cruising and speed cameras

Two new laws taking effect Jan. 1 could affect safety on California’s roads. Cameras at intersections across California already flag drivers who run red lights. Under one law, six cities can begin a pilot program to catch and fine speeding drivers with cameras, with hopes...

Letter: Make peace with people everywhere in 2024

Do you hear what I hear? Is this the last song of the past season or is this the first song of the new season, the new year.  “ A sigh, a sigh…..way up in the sky,” written by a Jewish peace loving woman...

Letter: New residents have a right to oppose growth

Lately I have been coming across the refrain that newer residents of San Benito County are somehow hypocritical if they voice concern or opposition to the out-of-control housing growth. This could not be further from the truth. Our newly settled neighbors have some of...

State stiffens penalties for fentanyl trafficking

People convicted of distributing fentanyl will face stiffer criminal penalties in the coming year under a new law shaped by rising overdose deaths. The law increases the penalty for selling or distributing more than one kilogram of fentanyl by an automatic addition of three years...

2024 brings tougher penalties for child trafficking in CA

A law that classifies human trafficking of a minor for the purposes of a commercial sex act as a “serious felony” took effect Jan. 1, less than six months after debate around the bill roiled the Capitol.  Under current law, human trafficking of a minor...

Guest view: The state of our city

As the year comes to a close, it is fitting to reflect on what has been achieved in and around Hollister and at City Hall. The City Council has been very focused on strategic planning, getting the city staffed up and improving operations.  We had...

Driver dies in New Year’s Eve collision near Gilroy

At least one died in a vehicle collision near Gilroy on Monday midnight, barely an hour after New Year arrived, according to California Highway Patrol.  The CHP said two vehicles, a Nissan SUV and a Chevy pickup truck, were involved in the fatal crash which...

