President Bush’s environmental policies are no more than
corporate giveaways to special interests. His


has relaxed pollution controls, has radically cut funding for
alternative energy and he has directed a radical policy towards our
public lands, seeking to change laws that protect our nation’s
land, water and wildlife.
Dear Editor,

President Bush’s environmental policies are no more than corporate giveaways to special interests. His “leadership” has relaxed pollution controls, has radically cut funding for alternative energy and he has directed a radical policy towards our public lands, seeking to change laws that protect our nation’s land, water and wildlife.

Our local economies rely heavily on our coastal environment for tourism and fishing. We can’t afford a president who does not value a clean and healthy environment. Both the Pew Oceans Commission and the Federal Oceans Commission have reported that the oceans are in trouble. We need a president who is a leader in environmental issues to move our country forward with policies to protect our coastal environments.

John Kerry has a long record of fighting for the environment. He’ll strengthen the Clean Air Act by closing loopholes. He’ll reverse the Bush administration’s weakening of clean air and clean water standards. He’ll renew our commitment to the Superfund program that makes sure polluters pay. And he’ll take the threat of global warming seriously.

This November, we have a choice between four years of failed policies or a new direction for our country. I’m choosing John Kerry.

Simone Mortan, Aromas

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