Hollister School District trustees have approved a 3 percent salary increase for managers and offered the same pay hike for two other employee groups.
The Hollister School District has made an initial proposal for a 3 percent across-the-salary-schedule increase for Hollister Elementary School Teachers’ Association, California School Employees Association and non-represented management employees for the 2015-16 year.
Trustees voted 4-0 last week in favor of increasing the non-represented management salary schedules by 3 percent retroactive to July 1, according to draft minutes from the meeting provided by Jesus Romero, the administrative assistant to the superintendent. The increase would take effect for unions in the month when the groups’ memberships approve it, though stipulations for retro pay could be made during negotiations. Trustee Elsa Rodriguez was absent from the meeting, according to the minutes.
Non-represented employees have traditionally had a “me too” arrangement with the recognized exclusive bargaining agents, meaning that they would eventually receive the same increases offered to unions, according to the background information from the meeting agenda.
“Though negotiations with recognized units may take time, there is no financial reason not to increase non-represented salaries at this time, effective July 1, 2015,” explained the agenda packet.
Non-represented staff members include most district office employees as well as occupational therapists, principals, assistant principals and directors but not the superintendent or assistant superintendent, Gary McIntire, the district superintendent, told the Free Lance Monday afternoon.
The salary increase will be paid for at least in part by Supplemental and Concentration Grant dollars, which must be linked to increasing or providing services to students, according to the agenda packet. This agreement does not affect the district’s positive certification status for the 2015-16 adopted budget, according to the same packet.