I ask for and accept dissenting views and constructive criticism
of my column writing, however, gutter people who try to paint me as
a racist just don’t pass the acid test. It’s been tried before and
failed miserably.
I ask for and accept dissenting views and constructive criticism of my column writing, however, gutter people who try to paint me as a racist just don’t pass the acid test. It’s been tried before and failed miserably.
In local politics you can always tell when one is losing the debate. They start painting and insinuating the other is a racist.
Rebecca Jones and a host of others do not let facts get in the way of their own preconceived opinion, and are consistently wrong to the point of being obnoxious. They relish the fact they can feast on the fears of others as they try to rewrite issues and events surrounding local people.
So, for the record, I have two very successful Hispanic brothers in law, and two Hispanic grandchildren. My wife and I are raising one of them. Seventy five percent of me and my wife’s friends are Hispanic, and we have a number of African-American and Asian-American friends as well.
I’ve written numerous letters to the editor urging Hispanic and other minority groups to become more active in political affairs. So when my opinion writing truths hit the idiot button, my critics need to try another avenue of labeling me.
Now for the business at hand. I’m happy to report that due to the lack of public support, the latest effort by the good ol’ boy network to recall District Attorney John Sarsfield is failing.
As recalls become the order of the day, a recall the county can rally around has surfaced. Take a look at www.recallcriminal.com. That would be the effort against District 5 Supervisor Jamie De La Cruz.
There’s been a conflict between Ignacio Velazquez, creator of the district attorney recall, and Brian Conroy, unofficial spokesperson for the De La Cruz recall. So it does not come as any surprise that Ignacio makes statements about the recall that he cannot prove.
The new group has gotten heat for remaining anonymous, but has explained members will release their names by Jamie’s 90th day as supervisor if Jamie has not resigned. Sounds fair to me. It’s not like some attorneys and others secretively slithering around the county getting signatures for the recall of Sarsfield.
Talk about hitting buttons. I got some heat from my column by George A. Barton, Esq. (means he’s an attorney) who wrote the Free Lance editor that most in Bar who voted against district attorney were civil lawyers.
My answer is who cares if they were civil attorneys, defense attorneys, corporate attorneys, ambulance chasers, etc?
An attorney is an attorney, just in a different field of law. However, it seems like Barton is implying civil lawyers are a cut above defense lawyers. Anyway, the local Bar Association has no authority over the district attorney. Their importance is only conceived in their own mind. So the local Bar was just making a political statement, the result of which is to further divide the community.
But now we have to wonder how many of those attorneys are part of the good ol’ boy system. We know at least some of the attorneys who voted represent the un-named Brave Ones – the Pekin clan.
Rounding out the good ol’ boy network this week, we have Henry Sumaya. According to the national Mexican American Political Association, Henry is running an illegal chapter here in Hollister. But Henry says he has a check cashed by the national group, which, he says, entitles him to run a local chapter.
Well Henry, I have checks cashed by the Red Cross but that doesn’t allow me the right to open a tax sheltered Red Cross chapter and pocket the money.
Needless to say, Henry’s lack of credibility costs him clout when it comes to twisting arms for funding his chapter.
Fear not as a for real, legally sanctioned local MAPA chapter may be on the horizon, and would be greatly accepted by the community.
Paul is a retired grandfather of four, an avid 49ers fan, and cares deeply about what’s been left out of media reporting. E-mail, pa*********@ho*****.com