Hollister School District officials cited school parents as being “not the most consistent voters” – as noted in a paid survey consultant’s report – in deciding to place a bond measure on the November ballot instead of June.
The following are some of the key findings included in that survey report:
• EMC Market & Opinion Research Services conducted 402 interviews Jan. 13-20.
• 61% of voters initially support the proposed $27 million measure.
• When asked if they knew the measure would cost homeowners $30 per $100,000 in assessed value, support decreased to 52%.
• Parents of HSD students are especially supportive of the proposed bond, but are not the most consistent voters.
• 47% of voters believe the district is headed in the right direction, compared with 39% in 2009.
• 21% of respondents believed there was too much growth, while 32% said there was too little.
• 27% of those surveyed said they strongly opposed any tax increases, while 24% strongly disagreed about opposing any taxes.
• Initial support for a bond was above the 55% threshold, at 61%.
• Of the respondents, 78% were somewhat likely to vote in November, with 66% somewhat likely to vote in June.
• Among Democrats, 71% supported it, with 47% of Republicans in support and 56% of independents/other party voters favoring it.
• 71% of HSD parents were in support, with 59% of non-HSD parents in support. HSD parents made up 21% of those surveyed.
• Those surveyed showed strong support for libraries among an array of options, with 51% finding them very important and another 28% saying they’re somewhat important.
• That compares with 38% strongly supporting the building of science labs and 29% supporting modernized buildings throughout the district.