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Re: Full page Ad

“Losing hospital coverage” frightened me and I worried how that advertisement affects others. That full page advertisement challenged attention demanding thought. To deal with fear we must know the truth. The truth is that no one is ever denied care at Hazel Hawkins Hospital. 

The truth is that the hospital belongs to us; we own it. Check your property tax bill for confirmation. We taxpayers own the hospital; all or any of us could never be denied care.  

Initially it appeared that the hospital sponsored the advertisement. That appearance is fake but purposeful. The real ad sponsors appear at the top of the page: AARP, Medicare Advantage and UnitedHealthcare; all are private insurance companies.  

Hazel Hawkins Hospital is public, most insurance companies are private. It appears that an insurance company is paying for the advertisement. Hazel Hawkins Hospital is not the sponsor for this advertisement. It seems unconscionable to use financial problems at the hospital as a ruse to create fear. Finances are another issue to be dealt with separately. Separate also are the profits private insurance companies intend to accrue.

Medicare is government sponsored health care for all beginning at the age of 65. Medicare Advantage is a private insurance company contracting with other insurance providers like AARP and UnitedHealthcare selling healthcare to all. 

Emphasis should be on the word selling. The primary purpose of sales is to make a profit. Unfortunately, this private company bought the name “Medicare” to be able to use it in their new name and which can be very confusing, therefore turning a profit.  

Medicare Advantage is not Medicare. Medicare Advantage is private. Medicare is public. No one is denied care at Hazel Hawkins Hospital because this hospital is ours; it belongs to all of us. We can never be denied or threatened to be denied care.

Mary Zanger, Retired Pharmacist


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