Don’t Restrict Parents’ Rights
Don’t Restrict Parents’ Rights
Regarding the editorial “Parenting Isn’t Lawmaker’s Job” (Jan. 23):
Take a good look around, folks. For the last 15 years or so parents everywhere are becoming afraid to discipline their kids.
By the time kids get to fourth grade, they know just who CPS is and use it as a lever to get what they want.
We are turning out generations of out-of-control brats!
Please do not approve one more thing that will take away any more of parents’ rights. And remember to always read the fine print.
I am a grandmother of five.
Sheila Mitchell
Redding, Calif
Sprinkler Ordinance Needed
Anthony Ha’s article “Sprinkler Ordinance Could Save Lives” (Jan. 23) was right on target.
I couldn’t agree more. I spent nearly 39 years in the fire business and articles like yours are overdue.
Nice job.
Dan Lydon
Fremont, Calif.