music in the park, psychedelic furs

Night work continues on Hwy. 25
– The Council of San Benito County Governments said that
nighttime work will take place on Hwy. 25 between Hudner Lane and
the San Benito/Santa Clara County line Aug. 23 and 24. Construction
work is scheduled between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
Drivers can expect travel delays during night work. There will
be flaggers and a pilot car to get drivers through the area.
Nighttime construction work includes paving the roadway shoulder
and placing temporary K-rail barriers.
The California Highway Patrol will be in the area for the safety
of drivers and construction workers. The Council of Governments
reminds drivers to slow down during construction and obey traffic
Construction of the Hwy. 25 Safety Project began on June 1. The
highway will be widened to install a concrete median barrier from
Hudner Lane to Shore Road and from just north of Shore Road to the
County line.
Several private driveways along the route will be closed to
decrease the number of access points along the highway, minimizing
conflicts between through traffic and slow-moving vehicles entering
the roadway.
Construction is scheduled to last approximately 10 months with
estimated completion in April 2010. Construction will require lane
closures that will result in travel delays. Much of the work will
be completed at night to avoid impacts to the traveling public.
For more information and to receive construction updates, please
call the construction hotline at 768-2161 or visit
Night work continues on Hwy. 25

HOLLISTER – The Council of San Benito County Governments said that nighttime work will take place on Hwy. 25 between Hudner Lane and the San Benito/Santa Clara County line Aug. 23 and 24. Construction work is scheduled between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Drivers can expect travel delays during night work. There will be flaggers and a pilot car to get drivers through the area. Nighttime construction work includes paving the roadway shoulder and placing temporary K-rail barriers.

The California Highway Patrol will be in the area for the safety of drivers and construction workers. The Council of Governments reminds drivers to slow down during construction and obey traffic control.

Construction of the Hwy. 25 Safety Project began on June 1. The highway will be widened to install a concrete median barrier from Hudner Lane to Shore Road and from just north of Shore Road to the County line.

Several private driveways along the route will be closed to decrease the number of access points along the highway, minimizing conflicts between through traffic and slow-moving vehicles entering the roadway.

Construction is scheduled to last approximately 10 months with estimated completion in April 2010. Construction will require lane closures that will result in travel delays. Much of the work will be completed at night to avoid impacts to the traveling public.

For more information and to receive construction updates, please call the construction hotline at 768-2161 or visit

Free art classes

HOLLISTER – Bob Wilkinson will be offering free art classes at Mars Hill Coffee House on Tuesdays from 4 5 p.m. or 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Space is limited. For more information, call 635-9218.

Math Talk program starts

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Office of Education will host a Math Talk on the first Tuesday of every month, starting

Sept. 1 (no meeting January 2010.)

The program, designed to help local teachers improve their math skills, and will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 460 Fifth St., in Hollister.

For more information or to RSVP, call 459-5703.

TV and broadcast classes at Gavilan College

GILROY – Fall classes are available in TV and video including TV History and Practice, TV and Video Workshop, TV and Film Acting, and introduction to scriptwriting.

The classes are offered for full college credit and are transferable to CSUs.

Students have the opportunity to write, produce, direct, act, edit and gain production experience in sports, entertainment, music, dance, comedy, drama, game shows, commercials, live and field productions.

Program options include an associate’s in Media Arts or Theater Arts Broadcast Television, certificate in broadcast television, or transfer to university programs in Television, Broadcast Journalism, Film, Education, Multimedia or Teledramatic Arts. Classes are $26 a unit. The semester starts Sept. 1.

To apply and register online, visit For more information, call 408-848-4800.

Habitat throws fundraising Masquerade Ball

HOLLISTER – The Habitat for Humanity of San Benito County, Inc. will be hosting a Masquerade Ball Oct. 9, at San Juan Oaks.

Tickets are $50. No-host cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., and dancing to follow. Music will be by The Ramblers. Costumes are welcome, but not required. Masks will be sold at the door.

For more information on tickets, call 635-9904.

Free and low-cost childcare available at Gavilan

GILROY – The Gavilan College Child Development Center, which is NAEYC accredited,  has child care spaces available for children who are ages 3 -5 (but not yet eligible for kindergarten) and potty trained.  Families must qualify as low income.  This free program runs from 8 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday. The center is located on the Gavilan College campus in Gilroy.

The Gavilan College child Development Center also has a fee-based program for the community which runs from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.,  Monday through Friday.

For eligibility guidelines and more information please call 408-848-4815.

Green Trade Network Summit

SANTA CRUZ – The second annual Green Trade Network summit conference will be held at the Coconut Grove in Santa Cruz, Sept. 25.

The theme this year is “Sustainable Cities of the 21st Century” and it will feature presentations on the Masdar City eco-city project in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates as well as other eco-city projects in China and other parts of the world.

The conference offers a chance for small to mid-sized businesses and agencies to network, or find out how they can participate as suppliers or consultants on projects that ensure clean air, water, food, healthy housing and workplaces, sound waste management and clean renewable energy systems.

“The trend in development of new eco-cities around the world is just beginning,” said Tony Livoti, the president of the Monterey Bay International Trade Association, in a press release.

For more information, visit

San Benito Stage Company holds auditions for show

HOLLISTER – San Benito Stage Company will be hosting auditions for the teen musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” Eligible performers will be 13-19. Auditions are Aug. 21 and 22, at 7 p.m., and Aug. 23, at 12:30 p.m. Call backs will be held Aug. 24, if needed. Tryouts will be held at the Granada Theatre, 336 Fifth St. Teens are asked to wear comfortable shoes and clothes to learn some choreography, and to have a song prepared.

For more information, visit or call 638-1542 or 636-0122.

Women’s support group continues

HOLLISTER – Community Solutions is offering a women’s support group. The group is a free six-week program and is confidential. Topics include healthy relationships, domestic violence, safety planning, resources and much more. For more information or to register, call Debbie Ruiz at 637-1094.

Oriana Chorale starts rehearsals

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Oriana Chorale will start rehearsals for its fall/winter session Aug. 24. Rehearsals are at the Trinity Lutheran Church at 2300 Airline Hwy., in Hollister, from 7:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Participants are asked to bring a paper and pencil to take notes on the music.

Dress rehearsal will be Nov. 30, at 7:15 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church, with performances on Dec. 2 and 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Mission San Juan Bautista, and Dec. 6, at 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutherna Church.

For more information, call 637-8188. or e-mail in**@or***********.org.

Hollister High School Class of 1979-80 reunion

HOLLISTER – The Hollister High School class of 1979-80 will be hosting a 30-year class reunion August 29, at Ridgemark Golf and Country Club from 7 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $55 a person.

For more information, call Laurie at 636-9028.

T’ai chi at the Grange

AROMAS – T’ai chi classes are available at the Aromas Grange, at the corner of Rode and Bardue, Mondays and Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

For more information, call 726-7151.

Sign ups for HYA Maze program

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Youth Alliance is now registering for their Maze Middle School CASA After-School Program.

The program includes homework help, study groups, youth development opportunities, intramural sports, the arts and local field trips. 

New clubs will also feature music, dance, photography and movie making. The program is free and begins the first day of school, Aug. 17. Registration forms available now at the Hollister Youth Alliance main office, 310 Fourth St., Ste, 101.

For more information, call 636-2853.

Farmers market in need of volunteers

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Farmers Market needs volunteers to help with market set up and break down Wednesdays through the end of September. Volunteers are also needed to help count the number of people in the crowd throughout the event. The market is held on Fifth Street between San Benito and Monterey streets Wednesdays between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

For more information, contact Tammy Jackson, market manager at 408-804-1234.

Emergency preparedness fair

HOLLISTER – Residents are invited to an emergency preparedness fair at the LDS Church, 1670 Cienega Road, on Sept. 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Visits can learn about preparing a 72-hour kit, food storage, cooking with stored food, making bread for less than 20 cents, how to save money at the grocery store, solar energy, Ham radio, Boy Scouts, gardening tips, West Nile Virus, the American Red Cross, the fire department., PG&E and much more. Activities will be available for children.

Art classes available

HOLLISTER – Dale Yarmuth, a member of the San Benito Arts Council and the Hollister Art League, will be offering daily two-hour art sessions for artists of all ages. The classes will focus on pen and ink with watercolor. Classes are Monday through Friday, and are available during daytime or evening hours. The cost is $20 per hour, with materials and tools costing extra. Artists will also learn how to mat and frame their work.

For more information, call 634-0821 or e-mail mm****@sb*******.net.

YMCA gears up for fall events

HOLLISTER – The YMCA is now accepting registration for their summer YMCA afterschool program. The program is offered at Cerra Vista, Gabilan Hills, Ladd Lane, San Juan, Spring Grove and Sunnyslope elementary schools. The program includes homework help, asset development, value lessons, organized sports, arts and crafts, nutritious snacks, special events and learning centers. Some financial assistance is available, and fees, days and times vary by site.

The Homework club is also available for $110 a month for one hour everyday after school.

Other upcoming activities include the YMCA Sharks and Parks youth hockey league that starts in September. The program is $80, or $75 before Sept. 5. Three divisions are available, including first and second grade, third through fifth grade and sixth through eighth grade. In addition sign ups are available for co-ed soccer for kindergarten to fifth graders. The fee is $80, or $75 before September 5. For more information, contact Kristie Agan at ka***@ym**************.org.

An annual membership is required to participate in YMCA programs, $30 per individual or $55 per family.

For general information, call 637-8600.

Blood drive

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will host a blood drive at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, in Hollister, Sept. 17, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Red Cross will hold a weekly drawingfor a $60 gift certifcate to Applebee’s or La Pinata Restaurant, excluding high school or college blood drives.

For more information or to make an appointment, call 800-GIVE LIFE (800-448-3543) or visit and type in HOLLISTER.

‘Bye Bye Birdie’ benefits Ag Against Hunger

SALINAS – The Western Stage at Hartnell College will present a performance of “Bye Bye Birdie” to benefit Ag Against Hunger Sunday, Aug. 30. Tickets with the pre-show reception are $40 and are on sale through Aug. 28. The pre-show reception features a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres and a wine tasting at 12:30 p.m. The show begins at 2 p.m.

For more information, visit or call 755-1480.

Friends of the Library book sale

HOLLISTER – Books for all ages and interests are available for purchase at $2 per bag at the shed behind the San Benito County Free Library on Fifth Street every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 636-4107.

El Teatro Campesino seeks new members

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA –El Teatro Campesino would like to remind current members to renew their membership and invite new members to sign up. Memberships range from $50 to $10,000. All members will be placed on a preferred mailing list and members are eligible for a 10 percent discount on our merchandise and get exclusive ticket privileges.

For more information on how to become a member of El Teatro Campesino, please call 623-2444 or e-mail St*******@el***************.com. Visit

San Benito Stage Company seeks members

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company is planning its 2010 season of productions, including children’s, teen, family and dinner theater programs. The stage company is seeking support in the form of members, sponsors and volunteers. Members enjoy benefits such as ticket discounts, advertising, and free show passes depending on level of sponsorship. For more information, call 636-0122 or visit

Volunteers needed for WERC

MORGAN HILL – The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center in Morgan Hill is accepting applications for volunteers who care about wildlife and who are available to work during the morning on Saturdays. Duties include cleaning, feeding and caring for injured, orphaned and sick native wildlife. Volunteers are required to be at least 16 years of age. They should also be able to make a three-month commitment and work a three- to four-hour shift.

For more information, call 408-779-9372, e-mail ed*******@we*****.org or go to

Chamber of Commerce accepting board applications

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Chamber of Commerce is now accepting applications for its 2010 board position openings. Chamber members only are eligible to apply. For more information, call the chamber office at 637-5315.

Free haircuts for unemployed job seekers

HOLLISTER – The Hair Shoppe, of Hollister, is offering free haircuts (a $30 value) to unemployed residents who have a job interview scheduled. The Shoppe is located at 57 East St., and residents can call 637-4356 to schedule an appointment.

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