Public health officials report 15th virus death
San Benito County Public Health officials are reporting the number of new Covid-19 cases are continuing to drop in the county but another death was disclosed in their latest newsletter.
As of Oct. 23, county officials have reported 15 deaths and 1,432 confirmed cases of...
Meet the candidates: Hollister School District Trustee Area 4
Local ballots include two county supervisors’ seats, Hollister Mayor and two City Council seats, two seats on the San Juan Bautista City Council, Monterey County Board of Education Trustee Area 5, San Benito County Board of Education District 1, Cabrillo Community College Trustee Area 7, South Monterey County Joint Union High School District and Hollister School District Trustee Areas 2 and 4.
Lisa Marks: Hollister School District Trustee Area 4 candidate
In vying for the Hollister School District Board of Trustees Area 4 seat, Lisa Marks said she has no agenda other than wanting to set up children for future success. Over the years, Marks has served as a tutor for struggling students and has volunteered inside the classroom and in the community.
Rob Bernosky: Hollister School District Trustee Area 4 candidate
Rob Bernosky comes from a family of teachers. The incumbent running for the Hollister School District Board of Trustees Area 4 seat, Bernosky has two daughters who are teachers, is married to a teacher and has a sister- and brother-in-law who are teachers.
County: Impostors made political phone calls
San Benito County employees have not been calling local residents to urge them to vote a certain way in the Nov. 3 election, despite what some voters have reported in recent complaints.
Hollister PD to host Drug Take Back event
The Hollister Police Department is teaming up with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to give the public an opportunity to drop off any unused or unwanted prescription drugs, no questions asked.
According to the police, the free and anonymous National Prescription Drug Take Back Day...
County hires new RMA Director
San Benito County has hired Benny Young as its new Resource Management Agency Director as of Oct. 19.
SB County businesses to receive $200K from CARES act
The San Benito County Board of Supervisors made progress toward supporting local small businesses this week by providing them some financial assistance through the CARES Act.
David Westrick, county public information officer, said in a press release on Oct. 22 that the county will provide...
Man arrested following alleged assault
Police arrested a transient Hollister man Wednesday after he tried to assault a woman and an officer with a piece of metal pipe, authorities said.
Meet the candidates: San Benito County Supervisor District 4
Today, we profile five candidates for San Benito County Supervisor District 4.