66.5 F
September 19, 2024

Letter: Gavilan officials neglect voters

Gavilan College officials have not represented San Benito County in a fair and equitable way. Their actions indicate a woeful lack of support for the growth of higher education in our county. This practice has prevailed for the past 12 years. During this time time, Gavilan’s governing decisions regarding the funding of major improvements have been directed to the Santa Clara County campuses. This approach has been the policy since the successful passage of the 2004 Measure E Bond election. Gavilan’s board and administration have refused to follow the directive of the voters of San Benito County to develop an educational center in the downtown area. This plan has been formally proposed to the Gavilan board by the City of Hollister, and rejected. Our community cannot wait 20 years for Gavilan’s grandiose plan for a new campus on the Airline Highway and Fairview site.

Letter: Measure P is a rush to solutions on roads

Measure P is a rush to solutions on roads

Letter: Let’s take charge

I feel the city council hires too many consultants. If we absolutely need to hire a consultant, then we should hire local, not from out of town. We need to reduce spending, not go on spending sprees.

Guest View: Responding to Keith Snow’s view on the roads

In response to Keith Snow’s view on the roads tax, I want to point out a few issues that Mr. Snow neglects to address. San Benito County and its partner cities are losing tax revenue that funds road maintenance due to more fuel-efficient cars using less gas—thus fewer tax dollars—and an increase in electric vehicles on the road that use no gas. Consequently, existing roads that require maintenance are not being repaired, in part, due to a loss in gas tax revenue.

Guest View: Why We Won’t Have Affordable Housing

The County’s affordable housing program is not logically constructed. The San Benito County Planning Commission recently had a notably fair and informative workshop on affordable housing. Yet in the end they were not presented with the options they needed to make a program that works, especially in the unincorporated areas where, for political reasons, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors has traditionally shunned high density housing. Affordable housing programs are often illogically constructed starting with the erroneous idea that nothing the county does impacts the market; the opposite is true.

Guest View: Mayoral candidate shares views on road tax

The county chamber of commerce had a $20 a plate luncheon and what was said is that 20 people attended. So that was $400 that they made. It’s all about making money on Measure P. It seems like the whole city and county is just about money. They act like they absolutely need this measure to pass or it’s like the world is coming to an end if it doesn’t. No it’s not.

Letter: Kudos to council on 400 block

Kudos to the Hollister City Council and the SBC Community Foundation for supporting and voting to sell the 400 block of San Benito Street for multiuse development. This is the kind of vision that we need in Hollister, to grow our community. But we can’t stop there! Kollin Kosmicki’s last week’s column on “Create new pedestrian square on San Benito” is right on as well!

Guest View: Downtown needs people doing things

Monday night, the Hollister City Council accepted a commercial project proposal for a mixed use-retail building and philanthropic office center for 400 block, which is the southwest corner of the intersection of San Benito and Fourth streets. The vote was 4-0; Mayor Ignacio Velazquez had recused himself because he owns the property next door.

Letter: Horrified by consultant’s role

I was horrified to read the grim news that our public officials, AKA public servants, hired consultants to “polish their image.” This revelation affected me as if I drove by an accident and noticed the red ooze from the door frame and the crunched metal of the vehicle. With this shameful printed disclosure the red ooze becomes precious taxpayer funds dripping on the wreck of our democracy. This special hiring could be misinterpreted as a cover-up for misdeeds or neglect.

