Maybe this conversation rings a bell for all the parents out
there: Your children come home from school, and you ask them how
their day went. He or she replies with something along the lines
Oh, it was fine.
After prying for more information, you are told that he or she
and has homework for
you know, like, class,
before they high-tail it off to his room.
Hollister – Maybe this conversation rings a bell for all the parents out there: Your children come home from school, and you ask them how their day went. He or she replies with something along the lines of “Oh, it was fine.” After prying for more information, you are told that he or she learned “stuff” and has homework for “you know, like, class,” before they high-tail it off to his room.
Administrators for the San Benito High School District want to help parents change all that by teaching them how to better communicate with their kids.
“We want them to be able to help their kids know how important their education is, and how strongly they (parents) feel about it,” said Jean Burns Slater, San Benito High School District superintendent.
Burns Slater hopes to accomplish this goal through the Parents Assuring Student Success (PASS) program that will begin Wednesday night at San Benito High School. Over the course of the next two months, teachers from the high school will conduct weekly classes for parents on topics like “Home Environment,” “Homework Help,” and “Preparing for Tests.”
“The first class will just be all about making that connection with your child,” to open the lines for future communication, Burns Slater said.
Each week will feature a new topic, and every class will be offered in English and Spanish. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the eight classes, but can also opt to attend only one or a few.
Classes will be held every Wednesday night from Oct. 20 to December 15, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on the new campus site. English classes will be held in room 460; Spanish classes will be in room 459. Childcare will be provided in room 481. For more information, call San Benito High School at 831-637-5831.
Jessica Quandt is a staff writer for the Free Lance. Reach her at 831-637-5566 ext. 330 or at jq*****@fr***********.com.