The president arrived in San Francisco on Air Force One Friday afternoon. Check back with for more photos. 

President Barack Obama touched down in San Francisco, just an hour-and-a-half drive north of rural San Benito County, on Air Force One Friday evening as part of a one-day visit to California.
Following his arrival, the president will participate in a Democratic National Committee roundtable at a private residence, before staying overnight in the city by the bay.
Obama arrived in San Francisco just after 8:30 p.m. where he was greeted by San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee before heading to an event, which was closed to press.
His two-day, three cities trip started with a visit to Eugene, Oregon, where he met with families affected by the Umpqua Community College shooting. That gathering was closed to the press.
The same day, Obama departed Oregon and flew to Seattle, Washington where he participated in a DNC roundtable at the Westin Hotel and delivered remarks at an event for Senator Patty Murray and the Washington State Democratic Party. His third stopping point on the trip was San Francisco. 

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