music in the park, psychedelic furs

Selecting students for the Hollister Free Lance’s senior spotlights for Anzar High School’s Class of 2020 was no enviable task. That’s why we make the principal and school staff sort it out. These students have navigated the labyrinth of high school hurdles, and we are inspired by their optimistic outlook, refreshing attitudes and heartfelt honesty. We celebrate them, their families, their mentors and all the graduating seniors in the Class of 2020.

David Britton

What are your plans after high school?

After high school I plan on attending UC Davis with a major in wildlife, fish and conservation biology.

What is one of your fondest memories from high school?

One of my fondest memories from high school would be the day I came out as transgender during freshman year with my friend. We used a megaphone in the quad on National Coming Out Day and were overwhelmed with support from our peers.

How did you adapt after your senior year was abruptly altered due to Covid-19?

At first it was difficult to accept that I would miss out on a traditional graduation, prom and senior trip. But I quickly adapted once I understood the life-threatening risk that going outside and being selfish during this pandemic would cause others.

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

My favorite teacher in high school was Ms. McCawley. Her door was always open to offer support and advice for students that found themselves in a tough situation. She was the first teacher I met at Anzar and I will be attending her alma mater next fall.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I hope to have graduated with a Bachelor of Science from UC Davis. Hopefully I will be able to use this degree to find a career that I am not only passionate about but will also pay me enough to live comfortably on my own.

If you could leave one piece of advice for an incoming freshman, what would it be?

For incoming freshmen, don’t cause pointless drama. There are much more important things going on in the world that need your attention. Be compassionate toward each other and build each other up because the world needs you to be strong.

Riley Lopez

What are your plans after high school?

I will be at UC Santa Barbara in the fall and double majoring in Communication and Film & Media Studies.

What is one of your fondest memories from high school?

My fondest memory from high school was when one of my friends kept calling break “recess” all the way through senior year, to which I would reply “dude, it’s break, we don’t have a playground”.

How did you adapt after your senior year was abruptly altered due to Covid-19?

I stuck to a schedule.

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

My favorite teachers at Anzar are Ms. McCawley for putting up with my quirks and Mr. Friedley for making math entertaining.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years I hope to be pursuing a master’s degree.

If you could leave one piece of advice for an incoming freshman, what would it be?

Learn to manage your time.

Kaylene McLaughlin

What are your plans after high school?

I plan on going to Oregon State in the fall after high school. I will be majoring in Psychology. 

What is one of your fondest memories from high school?

One memory that sticks out the most is the LAN party that I went to sophomore year. It was so much fun staying up with my friends. I always go back to that memory whenever I miss my pals. 

How did you adapt after your senior year was abruptly altered due to Covid-19?

I did not adapt well at first, but that was mainly because I was under the impression I was coming back. My whole world got put on hold and I was drowning in school work and I felt like the universe was against me. I missed my friends, my teachers and the environment all together. After a while though I was able to sit down and get myself back on track. 

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

I love almost all my teachers and I will never forget the ones I had at Anzar. Ms. McCawley, though, will forever be my favorite teacher. Ever since freshman year McCawley has always helped me in school and in life. McCawley will forever be the kindest most understanding teacher I know. Mr. Daniels is a close second because, for once, I was able to understand more complicated math without any problems. I felt very accomplished in both of the classes where I had him as a teacher. He also told really cool stories of traveling with his kids. He was a fun guy to talk to. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years I hope to be done with college. It’s hard to say where the future will take me, especially because I’m not a fortune teller or anything. I can only hope that I have a job that can help me pay off my student deft and a roof over my head. 

If you could leave one piece of advice for an incoming freshman, what would it be?

I would tell incoming freshmen that they shouldn’t be afraid to show school spirit or put themselves out there. High school is the time to live it up with your friends (make smart decisions) and make memories good and bad. Enjoy every class, lunch, advisory period and sport you have because if a quarantine is ever to happen again you are going to miss your friends the most. 

Matthew Nickerson

What are your plans after high school?

My plan after high school is to become a journeyman lineman.

What is one of your fondest memories from high school?

One of my fondest memories from high school was being the quarterback and captain of Anzar’s football team.

How did you adapt after your senior year was abruptly altered due to Covid-19?

I adapted by being more creative and diligent with my school work and social life.

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

All of Anzar’s staff is amazing but if I had to pick a favorite teacher it would be Señora Gomez, because she would always push me to do better and never gave up on me.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself as a journeyman lineman working around Oregon and California

If you could leave one piece of advice for an incoming freshman, what would it be?

A piece of advice I have for the incoming freshman is to be yourself and to respect the staff because those bonds come with perks

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