The San Benito County Office of Education partnered with the San Benito County Arts Council to host the seventh annual San Benito County Arts Showcase on April 12 at the Veterans Memorial Building in Hollister.
San Benito County’s Arts Showcase gives students in grades TK-12 the opportunity to show off their artistic talents in both visual and performing arts, according to the county office of education.
Students viewed approximately 2,000 pieces of student artwork on display. Works included pen and pencil drawings, pastels, watercolor and more. Live student performances included music, poetry, drama and dance presentations.
Students from Anzar High, Cerra Vista Elementary, Hollister Dual Language Academy, Hollister High, Hollister Prep, Jefferson Elementary, Ladd Lane Elementary, Ocean Grove Charter, Rancho San Justo Middle, Rancho Santana Elementary, RO Hardin Elementary, Sacred Heart, San Andreas Continuation, Santa Ana Opportunity, San Juan Elementary, Southside Elementary, Tres Pinos Elementary and Willow Grove Elementary Schools participated.
The Women’s Club of Hollister gave prizes to several student artists. A list of winners can be found on SBCOE’s website at www.sbcoe.org.
The SBCOE’s community partners who helped coordinate the April 12 showcase include the San Benito County Arts Council, American Legion Post 69, Integrated Waste Management, Recology, VFW Post #9242, Veterans Memorial Building and Women’s Club of Hollister. Sponsors include Granite Rock, K&S Market, Inc., M&M Farms, Mountain Mike’s Pizza, RJR Recycling and Target.