music in the park, psychedelic furs

Potential fire danger prompted the Bureau of Land Management to implement Stage 1 fire restrictions on BLM-managed public lands in Fresno, Monterey and San Benito counties. Target shooting will also be temporarily limited to 30 minutes before sunrise until noon, according to the rules that became effective May 25.

The following restrictions/limitations will remain in place until fire dangers subside:

  • No tools powered by internal combustion engines off established roads or trails (chainsaws or lawn mowers)
  • No motorized vehicles off established roads or trails
  • No smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, or at a developed recreation site or other designated areas
  • No shooting using incendiary, tracer, steel core or armor piercing ammunition – hot bullet fragments and exploding targets from recreational shooting can spark a wildfire. Recreational target shooting is allowed from 30 minutes before sunrise until noon only. Where authorized, firearm use for hunting is still allowed.
  • No fireworks allowed, including “safe and sane” fireworks
  • No welding or operating acetylene or other torches with open flame, except by special permit
  • No explosives, except by special permit

Campfires and barbecues are allowed only in fire rings at designated campgrounds. However, the public is advised to clean 10 feet around the campfire. Portable stoves with gas, jellied petroleum or pressured liquid fuel are authorized with a valid California campfire permit, available at


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