While we live in a country that places a high value on freedom,
many of us feel imprisoned by guilt, our past, our bad habits, our
job, and a hundred other things.
While we live in a country that places a high value on freedom, many of us feel imprisoned by guilt, our past, our bad habits, our job, and a hundred other things. Jesus says that we can become free through a relationship with Him. This freedom is based on three foundational truths:

Truth No. 1: God is in charge and you are not. Both the Bible and my own experiences have taught me the sometimes painful lesson that I have little control over what happens to me. Yes, there are some things that come about because of my choices, but the majority of events in this world and in my life happen without anyone consulting me, and my guess is that the same is true for you. When we determine that the Bible is true, we not only accept the truth that God is in control; we also discover that everything that happens to us, even the bad things, can be used by God for our good. “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28).

Accepting truth No. 1 allows us to discover truth No. 2: God is love and you are deeply loved by Him. We have great difficulty understanding God’s love because the only kind of love most us know is conditional love. Our love for others is based on numerous conditions (how they treat us, things we have in common, the way they look and act, etc.). God’s love, on the other hand, is unconditional. He loves us regardless of how we treat Him, the way we look (color, age, gender, weight, etc.), or the way we act.

His love is not contingent on your being “good” (whatever that means). Please hear me on this: God loves you just way you are! You don’t need to “get your act together” for God to accept you.

So why, you may ask, if God loves me just way I am, does He want me to change? Well, see if this answer makes sense: Even though God loves you just the way you are, He loves you too much to let you stay that way. Parents can relate to this. We love our children just the way they are, but we also want to see them mature physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We want to see them freed from childish fears and worries. In like manner, even though our Heavenly Father loves us just the way we are, He wants us to grow and be free of the fears and worries our culture has persuaded us to buy into. He wants us to grow into the wise, godly men and women He created us to be.

Truth No. 3: God’s grace is greater than you can imagine. Many of us grew up (and live today) with the notion that God is like a cosmic cop, just waiting to bop us when we step out of line. Or He is viewed as a stern-faced judge before whom we will stand one day and receive punishment for our sins.

Such perceptions have done much to push people away seeking a relationship with God, but if the truth be known, these perceptions fall far short of accurately describing God. Yes, evil will be dealt with and dealt with justly, but just saying that really falls short of expressing God’s heart toward us. One of most basic teachings of the Bible is that even though “the wages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:23).

If God were simply interested in watching us and then judging us, then why did He come to earth in the form of Jesus of Nazareth? If you read your Bible with discernment, you will quickly learn that while God is just, He is also merciful and gracious. This fact, coupled with the truth that God deeply loves us, explains why Jesus came in the first place.

The bottom line is this: God does not want anyone to stand before him and be condemned, and Jesus Christ came to this earth so that none of us would have to. He offers each of us eternal life and joy, as well as true freedom in this life, “not because we deserve it, but because that was God’s plan long before the world began – to show His love and grace to us through Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:9).

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