Pictured is one of two rabbits that police say were abandoned in front of the Hollister animal shelter on March 8. Photo: Courtesy of Hollister Police Department
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Hollister Animal Care authorities are asking the public for help identifying two people who recently abandoned rabbits outside the local animal shelter, police said. 

At about 6:49pm March 9, Hollister Animal Control officers located two rabbits in a cage that had been left in front of the Hollister animal shelter entrance, Hollister Police said in a press release. 

After investigating, officers learned that the rabbits had been abandoned for about 11 hours with no access to shelter, food or water, police said.

Officers reviewed security footage from the shelter’s camera. The video showed two people had parked several feet away from the shelter and placed the rabbits by the front door of the shelter, authorities said. 

The people ran away after dropping off the rabbits. “Based on the video, we believe that the two individuals initially dumped the rabbits. One of the rabbits appeared to have an eye injury at the time of the incident and was transported to a local veterinarian for treatment,” says the press release. 

Hollister Police Animal Care and Services are seeking help from the public in identifying the two people of interest. The police department released photos of the suspects from the shelter security footage. In one of the photos, the suspects are seen wearing dark hoodies. 

Police noted it is unlawful to abandon animals in front of the shelter, as doing so is a violation of California penal code 597s(a). Anyone who would like to surrender an animal can do so during business hours, within their corresponding county’s animal care facility.

Anyone with information about this case can call Hollister Animal Control at 831.636.4320. 

Hollister Police released this photo from security camera footage outside the Hollister animal shelter of two people who allegedly left two rabbits near the facility’s front door March 8. Photo: Courtesy of Hollister Police Department
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  3. They complain when they abuse animals and they also complain when they leave them at the shelter. At least they didn’t kill them.

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