Lindsay offers tips for Halloween fun
Dear Lindsay,
I am 13 this year and my mom says that is too old to go
trick-or-treating. What do you think?
-Does Age Matter?
Lindsay offers tips for Halloween fun

Dear Lindsay,

I am 13 this year and my mom says that is too old to go trick-or-treating. What do you think?

-Does Age Matter?

Dear Does Age Matter,

I don’t think there is an age limit to trick or treating. If I remember correctly, I went last year, and I was 16! Trick-or-treating is all about having fun and getting candy. If you are actually wearing a real costume and are into the Halloween spirit, then go for it! Even if your mom does not let you, dress up with some friends and have a scary movie night. Even handing out candy is fun.

Dear Lindsay,

I want to have a party for Halloween, but since it is in the middle of the week my parents don’t really want me to. What can I do?

-Party Planner

Dear Planner,

Have an after school get together. Since most people dress up for school anyway, have them come over. Have food, drinks, music and games, and have it go until 8 or 9 p.m. That way it isn’t too late and your parents will be happy that there aren’t a bunch of teenagers running around. Make sure to decorate and don’t let anyone in without a costume. Who wants a party pooper who’s not in the Halloween spirit?

Dear Lindsay,

I am working on college essays and I want someone to read them over but not my parents. Is there anyone at school who can help me?

-College Bound

Dear College Bound,

Your counselor would love to help you out. That’s what they are there for. Make an appointment with him or her and let them know that you want their opinion. Their job is to send you to college. If you feel that maybe you can’t trust them, or value their opinion, then ask your English teacher.

Dear Lindsay,

I got my ears pierced without my parent’s permission and my brother saw the piercings. How can I keep from getting in trouble?

-Pierced problem

Dear Pierced Problem,

You definitely need to tell your parents. Them hearing about it from your brother will make them mad, and the fact you tried to hide it from them is even worse. And if your ears get infected, then you are in trouble. Let them know why you did it and if you paid for it yourself then tell them. They may make you take them out or just ground you. They could possibly think they look good and grow into the fact that they are pierced.

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