Funeral services for Adra K. Keel who died Wednesday, Feb. 9 at
the age of 93, were held Tuesday morning in the chapel of Grunnagle
Ament Nelson Funeral Home.
 Graveside services and burial followed at the San Juan District
Rev. John Amelio of the Glad Tidings Church in San Juan Bautista
was the officiant.
Funeral services for Adra K. Keel who died Wednesday, Feb. 9 at the age of 93, were held Tuesday morning in the chapel of Grunnagle Ament Nelson Funeral Home. Graveside services and burial followed at the San Juan District Cemetery.
Rev. John Amelio of the Glad Tidings Church in San Juan Bautista was the officiant.
The pallbearers were Jake, Joseph, Joshua, Jerry, Jeff, Jarrod and Joe Cousins and Bill Keel.