The San Benito County Arts Council is seeking applications for its 2023 Arts Express Grant Program.
The goal of the Arts Express Grant Program is to promote artistic and cultural engagement, accessibility, equity and diversity in San Benito County. Local artists, art groups, arts and cultural organizations, and public school teachers are invited to apply for project-based funding for activities that take place between Nov. 1-June 30 and are for the benefit of San Benito County residents.
The deadline to apply is 5pm on Sept. 29.
Individual artists, arts organizations and cultural groups may apply for up to $2,500 in grant funding with no matching funds required. Public school teachers may request up to $500 in support through the Arts Council’s Teacher Grants, which may be used for class field trips to museums, performances and other cultural venues, for art supplies, curriculum, guest artists and other allowable expenditures.
To learn more about this year’s Arts Express Grant Program, prospective applicants are encouraged to join the Arts Council for a virtual workshop on Sept. 7th at 5pm. The Zoom link to the workshop can be found at sanbenitoarts.org. Pre-registration is not required.Â
All grant applications must be submitted online via the application links found at sanbenitoarts.org/grants-funding-opportunities.Â
The Arts Council’s Arts Express Grant Program is made possible through the support of The David & Lucile Packard Foundation. For information, contact the Arts Council at 636.2787 or at in**@sa***********.org.