Emiley Palmquist helps Balers continue early season success
After finishing up play Tuesday, San Benito High girls golf top
player Emiley Palmquist only had one thing to say.
I played really bad,
she said.
It’s one of those days.
But one look at the scorecard and leader board of the Balers’
match against Alvarez – an entirely different story was told.
Emiley Palmquist helps Balers continue early season success
After finishing up play Tuesday, San Benito High girls golf top player Emiley Palmquist only had one thing to say.
“I played really bad,” she said. “It’s one of those days.”
But one look at the scorecard and leader board of the Balers’ match against Alvarez – an entirely different story was told.
In what was called a “bad day” for Palmquist, the junior – with a score of 47 or nine over par – ran away with the best score amongst the 12 girls from San Benito and Alvarez that hit of the tee Tuesday.
Overall, the Balers dominated on their home course, beating Alvarez 195 to 245. Morgan Di Domenico, Sydnee Di Domenico and McKenna Bernosky all kept pace with Palmquist – giving San Benito four golfers who scored between the range of 47 to 51.
“My girls shot their best score so far,” head coach Corryn Martin said. “We definitely did very well.”
But it was Palmquist who once again had the lowest score – and it wasn’t the first time this year that Palmquist showed off her high golfing skill set.
“Her talent is indescribable,” Martin said.
On Tuesday, that talent was showcased.
On the final hole of the day, Palmquist found herself in the bunker in front of the green. The high lip of the bunker forced a tough shot from the junior. But two shots later, Palmquist sank a five-foot putt on a slope. It was a bogey but it could have been a lot worse.
Despite her struggles, Palmquist bested the rest of the field by at least two-shots to keep her streak going.
So far, only four matches in, Palmquist has scored the lowest among the Balers in every match. And in three matches – Tuesday, Monday against Notre Dame and last week during the Balers Tri-County Athletic League jamboree – Palmquist has notched the lowest score overall.
“She is just playing really well right now,” Martin said. “It’s awesome to see.”
Assistant coach Alfonso Castillo expects big things from the Baler leader.
“She has a lot of room to develop,” he said. “If she keeps on developing she will play golf at the college level. And one day, maybe as a pro.”
He continued, “she has a lot of potential.”
And the key to Palmquist’s steady growth is summer lessons, Palmquist said.
“I took lessons this year,” she said. “He changed a little bit of my swing and he his teaching me things with putting that is really helping.”
It’s made her more consistent, she said.
The home course change – from Ridgemark Golf and Country Club to San Juan Oaks Golf Club – has also increased her potential because of San Juan Oaks’ difficulty.
“It’s way better here,” she said. “I feel like I’m becoming a better golfer. It’s more challenging.”
Notre Dame
The Balers went on the road for the first time Monday to play Notre Dame at Corral De Tierra Country Club in Toro. The wind played a factor for the Balers, but they still pulled away with an easy 199 to 262 victory over Notre Dame.
The Balers were led by Palmquist, who shot a match low of 43 on the par 36 course. Lexi Branon placed second for San Benito, shooting 49 or 13-over par.
Morgan Di Domenico (51) and Sydnee Di Domenico (56) followed with the next lowest scores. Victoria Kay finished the nine holes shooting a 59 and Ivy Phelps rounded out the San Benito score with a 65.
“They did really well against Notre Dame,” Martin said.