Forget the Jolie-Pitt twins, Favre’s story dominates
Did you hear the latest on Brett Favre?
No, you didn’t? Well, then what’s the matter with you?
Do you not own a television? A cell phone? Do you not have any
friends? Any relatives? Do you prefer not to follow the latest
current events?
Do you prefer to live under a rock? Where there is no
television? Or cell phone reception? Or anyone you know?!?!?!
Forget the Jolie-Pitt twins, Favre’s story dominates
Did you hear the latest on Brett Favre?
No, you didn’t? Well, then what’s the matter with you?
Do you not own a television? A cell phone? Do you not have any friends? Any relatives? Do you prefer not to follow the latest current events?
Do you prefer to live under a rock? Where there is no television? Or cell phone reception? Or anyone you know?!?!?!
Sorry, I apologize. That was a brief spell of Favre Rage. It comes and goes. But whenever it rears its ugly head, I can usually push it down, bottle it up, and save it for the other drivers on Hwy. 101.
But the Favre Story is basically done, right? It has to be. There cannot possibly be another twist, another turn, another flight, another practice, another marketing deal, another Greta Van Susteren interview.
Or can there be?
Leave it to a single man who lives in Hattiesburg, Miss., to completely steer the spotlight away from the Olympics, the Presidential race, and the latest on Miley Cyrus.
Leave it to Brett Favre to completely turn my attention to Green Bay Packers training camp, single-handedly push it away from Green Bay Packers training camp, then, like a light switch, turn it right back on again.
I want. I need. I can’t get enough.
I hate. I loathe. I’m sick of this story.
I want to know what Brett Favre is thinking right now. I want this spectacle to end right now.
Each day it changes, which is why I’m writing a column now on the Favre Story. I cannot possibly wait any longer, but then again, I cannot possibly expect this column to be up-to-date by the time you read it. I’ve accepted this.
Currently, reports are swirling that Favre is bound for the Bay – Tampa Bay that is. Although there has been no official word of Favre’s departure at press time, a trade seems all but likely, if not Tampa then somewhere else. But will that be the end of the Favre Story?
This story is bigger than big. It’s reached my mother, and recent published reports say that it’s reached my girlfriend, too.
My girlfriend, who more or less hates sports but completely despises football, has an opinion on Brett Favre. Yes, the story is that big, and yes, the Girlfriend Test is the perfect way to gauge how big the situation is.
Without further ado, my girlfriend, Audrey: “Basically, he should be asked to tryout like everyone else, and whoever is the best at the position should have it.”
Well said.
Clearly the brains of the relationship, Audrey’s opinion on the Favre Story is terribly logical, was terribly logical. If Brett Favre wanted to come back, he should have had, like every other player that tries out for the team, a fair chance at the starting position.
He gave 16 seasons to Green Bay. He had a 66.5 completion percentage last season – fourth highest in the NFL. He was also fourth in the league for completions (356) and yards (4,155), and carried a passer rating of 95.7, sixth best in the NFL. He led a young Packers squad to a 13-3 record.
At the very least, a chance to win back the starting job he previously held for 16 years seemed reasonable.
Of course, reason and logic ran out four weeks ago.
In its place? Ineptitude, absurdity, and logic’s arch-nemesis, inefficiency.
My girlfriend was quoted on Sunday night, and already, the Favre Story has taken a complete 180-degree turn, coupled with two 90-degree turns and a few 45-degree turns as well.
The latest on Favre Tuesday was that the two sides were at a “stalemate,” that it was not “going to work,” and that logic and reason were still on backorder.
“They want to know if I’m committed but I want to know if they’re 100 percent committed,” Favre told’s Chris Mortensen. “The problem is that there’s been a lot of damage done and I can’t forget it. Stuff has been said, stories planted, that just aren’t true. Can I get over all that? I doubt it.”
So there you have it. It seems all but certain that Green Bay and Brett Favre are getting a divorce – if it hasn’t happened already – a divorce that could have been so easily averted.
Favre waited too long to announce his un-retirement (allegedly), while Green Bay rejected him early on (allegedly), making it impossible for him to come back anyway.
We can blame Favre for being an egotistical athlete all day. We can blame him for the situation at hand. We can blame him for all those late-game interceptions.
But if he’s on the team, he gives the Packers the best chance to win. There’s no arguing it. It’s certainly different in Tampa, where Jeff Garcia led the Bucs to an NFC South title last year, but we’ll tackle that issue some other time.
Favre had his faults in this saga, but Green Bay squandered its only chance of a Super Bowl next season by not welcoming him back.
If only my girlfriend were running the Packers.
Aaron Rodgers may perhaps be the best option long term, but right now, with a Packers team that went to the NFC Championship last season, Favre is the only answer, was the only answer.