CASA needs advocates
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and CASA of San Benito County is looking for community volunteers who are interested in serving the needs of foster children from our community. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of San Benito County has scheduled the next training session for child advocates to start at the end of April. It is looking for adults (21 or older) who are interested in making a difference and to be a voice for a foster child from our community. Child advocates are needed. For additional information or to sign up for the next training, please contact Esther at 831-637-4992 or email to es****@vo*******************.org.
Fourth of July block party permits
Anyone wishing to close a street in the City of Hollister (a public right of way) for a block party at any time, especially for 4th of July celebrations, must have permission from the City of Hollister. Applications are available in the Hollister City Clerk’s Office, Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St., Hollister or by calling the clerk’s office at (831) 636-4300, extension 16. Applicants must submit a completed application for a block party as well as an executed hold harmless agreement, both of which are available from the City Clerk’s Office, as well as a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Hollister as an additional insured. Certificates of Insurance are usually available from a resident’s home owners insurance company. Normally a request for a block party is required to be submitted 30 days prior to an event. However, due to increased requests for 4th of July block party permits and scheduled City Council meetings, all completed applications for a block party permit for this Fourth of July must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office no later than June 6 at 5 p.m. For information, call City Clerk Geri Johnson at (831) 636-4300, extension 16.
Young Eagles Rally
A Young Eagles Rally will be held at the Hollister Municipal Airport on Saturday, April 27. It is a hands-on introduction to aviation for students ages 8 to 17 and includes an airplane or glider ride. The event will begin at 9 a.m. Details: eaahollister.org
Youth Open Mic Poetry day
HOLLISTER – The Blak Sage Gallery will host a youth open mic poetry event May 4, from 1 to 3 p.m., at the Blak Sage Gallery, 727 San Benito St., in downtown Hollister. Students in grades kindergarten through 12th are invited to participate, share or watch. The program is made possible by funds from the California Arts Council and Community Foundation for San Benito County. For questions or more information please feel free to contact the Arts Council at in**@sa***********.org or call at 636-2787.
Youth Alliance’s White Nights
HOLLISTER – The Youth Alliance will host White Nights, a benefit for peace, on May 18, at 6 p.m., at San Juan Oaks Golf Club. The evening will celebrate the 2013 community heroes. Tickets are $75 per person and white attire is encouraged. Tickets are available online at www.youthall.org or by calling 831-636-2853.
San Juan Bike lane project ribbon cutting
HOLLISTER – A ribbon cutting will be held for the San Juan Highway Bike Lanes Project April 26, at 3 p.m., at Anzar High School, 2000 San Juan Hwy., in San Juan Bautista. Details: 831-637-7665 or email ve******@sa**********.org.
Hollister History Book on sale
HOLLISTER – Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America: Hollister” book is available for sale at Hollister Ace Hardware, DeRose Vineyards, San Benito Bene and Ranchers Feed of Hollister. The book, written by Joseph M. McMahon and Peter Sonne, features historical photos and information about Holliser, for $21.99.
Healthy Kids Day
HOLLISTER – The YMCA of San Benito County will host Healthy Kids Day April 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 351 Tres Pinos Road, in Hollister. The event will include information about the YMCA programs and summer camps, as well as informational booths of other community organizations. The day will include fun activities that focus on health and wellness. The event is free, though families can pay to join the YMCA or sign up for programs. Those who register for YMCA summer camps will receive an early registration rate and a free camp T-shirt. Details: 637-8600.
Prom dress collection
HOLLISTER – There will be a prom dress drive in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties for those who would like to donate slightly used dresses through April 15 at 455 San Benito St. Hollister teens will be able to seek out a dress on April 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Vault, 452 San Benito St. Details: sb*********@gm***.com or www.promdressdrive.org
Mr. O’s second annual spring concert
HOLLISTER – Mr. O’s Academy of the Arts will host the second annual spring concert April 28, from 12:30 to 5 p.m., at 360 Sixth St. Performers include Mr. O’s Jazz Band, Shiloh, Dog House featuring Cesar Flores, Flashback and Somos. Donations will be accepted in lieu of an admission fee. Details: 636-3813
Mother’s Day at the Mission
SAN JUAN – South Valley Symphony presents Mother’s Day at the Mission at 4 p.m. Sunday, May 12 at Mission San Juan Bautista. General admission: $35; Children/students: free. Following the concert, join the symphony orchestra, music director and board of directors in the Mission gardens for a wine reception. Details: southvalleysymphony.org.
Brownies collect blankets and towels
HOLLISTER – Brownie Troop 20021 is hosting a blanket and towel drive April 15-21 to benefit Pet Friends Rescue. Donations can be dropped off at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St.
District 12 art competition
HOLLISTER – State Senator Anthony Canella is hosting a contemporary art competition for residents who live in the 12th senate district. Submissions must be original artwork that is no larger than 3-foot by 5-foot. Oil paintings, works on paper, weavings, wall hangings and sculptures will be accepted, with a biography of the artists required with the submission. The deadline to submit a piece for consideration is April 25. The pieces will be on display for about 18 months as part of the Senate California Contemporary Art Collection. Mail submissions to : SD 12 Art competition, 369 Main St., Ste. 208, Salinas, CA 93901 or email st***************@se*.gov for more details.
Walk ’n Roll fun day
HOLLISTER – Local residents are invited to Walk ’N Roll on April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Veterans Memorial Building in the courtyard. The event will feature a bicycle repair clinic, helmet fittings, bicycle and pedestrian safety courses, raffle prizes, a bicycle raffle and more. Details: 831-637-7665.
Cinco de Mayo Festival
HOLLISTER – The English Learners Advisory Committee will host a Cinco de Mayo festival at San Juan Elementary School, May 3, from 4:30 to 8 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the committee. It will cinlude music, dancing, live performances, games and fun. Past fund raised have helped ELAC award scholarships to students and purchase books for the library. Details: 831.623.4538.
Amateur ham radio class
HOLLISTER – There will be an amateur ham radio class May 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with testing for all levels from 1 to 4 p.m., at 3224 Southside Road, in Hollister. The test and class fee is $24. The test only fee is $14. Details: http://sbcares.org.
Red Barn Run
HOLLISTER – The Red Barn Run will be June 9, at 9 a.m., at Casa de Fruta. The annual 5K and 10K run benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Registration is $40 through May 1 for the 5K and $45 through May 1 for the 10K. Group rates are also available. Registration includes the race, a post-race barbecue lunch with water or a beer (for 21 and older participants,) a dry wicking t-shirt and a medal for every finisher. Additional barbecue tickets are available for $8 each. Details: www.redbardnrun.com.
Aromas Country Garden Tour
AROMAS – The Aromas Country Garden Tour will be May 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with tickets avialble at the Aromas Grange, on the corner of Rose and Bardue Avenues. Tickets are $15 per person, $25 for two people, or $10 for seniors 65 and older or members of the Aromas Hills Artisans. Visitors will receive a booklet with a map of the gardens. Artists will be working in some of the gardens in a variety of media, with the Aromas 4-H club selling plants and boxed lunches at the Grange. Details: www.aromashillsartisans.com
‘Summertime with Oriana’
HOLLISTER – The Oriana Chorale will kick off the summer with three concerts in its “Summertime with Oriana” series. The concerts will be held at the Hollister First Presbyterian Church May 3 and 7, at 7:30 p.m., and May 5, at 3 p.m. Music will range from fun and lively, such as “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and “Theme from Hawaii Five-O,” to showtunes, such as “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” “Summertime,” and “June is Bustin’ Out All Over,” to lovely and lyrical such as “About Us Lies the Summer Night,” “A Red, Red Rose,” and “The Last Rose of Summer.” Tickets are $15. Details: http://orianachorale.org.
Backpack project collections begin
HOLLISTER – The Women’s Club of Hollister is accepting donations for its backpack project. The project supplies backpacks full of needed supplies to children from infants to 17 years who are taken from their homes and placed in alternative living conditions through no fault of their own. The backpacks are filled with age and gender specific basic toiletries, school supplies, a stuffed animal and a handmade blanket. The backpacks have been donated to San Benito County Child Protective Services, the Emmaus House women’s shelter, Chamberlain’s Children Center and the San Benito County Chapter of the Kinship Center. Residents can sponsor a backpack for $40, collect items for the backpacks or send a monetary donation to : Women’s Club of Hollister, PO Box 818, Hollister, CA, 95024-0818. Details: 831-637-0362 or ac*****@ym***.com.
MACE Cinco De Mayo banquet
HOLLISTER – The Mexican-American Committee on Education of San Benito County will hold its 43 annual Cinco De Mayo Scholarship Banquet May 4 at San Juan Oaks Golf Club, in Hollister. Tickets are $50 a person with table reservations of eight people encouraged. No tickets will be sold at the door. The event features a dinner, honorary recognition and music. This year Jim Caffiero, a counselor at San Benito High School, who is retiring after 27 years of service, will be honored for his commitment to helping students go to college. The group has given scholarships to more than 500 students since 1970. Details: George Munoz, 831-623-4429, Veronica Lezama, 831-245-6971 or Mickie Luna, 831-673-2009.
Get rid of bulky items
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Integrated Waste Management Regional Agency will accept two bulky items per household free of charge on select dates this year. Suggested items for disposal include furniture, appliances, tires or other items. To participate, residents must bring a driver license or ID that identifies them as a resident of San Benito County or its incorporated cities. The bulky item collections dates for 2013 are June 29 and 30, Sept. 28 and 29, and Dec. 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at John Smith Landfill, 2650 John Smith Road. To confirm dates or for details on what items will be accepted, call 831-637-4515.
Meditation at the Japanese Temple
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden, Inc., will host meditation Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. Details, call 637-6361 or email do*****@ga****.com.
Camera Club meets
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Camera Club is seeking new members. The club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 100 Dry Creek Road, in Hollister. Photographers of all skill level who work with prints, slides or digital images are welcome. Details: Jack Marcheski, 637-3453 or 524-5912.
Singles 55+ are invited to dinner
HOLLISTER – Singles 55 and up are invited to join a dinner club in San Benito County that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The group visits area restaurants for the meal, with the choice of each month’s restaurant selected by group majority. The group also enjoys the occasional dinner at a member’s home. The group is not a dating group, but for individuals who would like to meet and socialize with others. For details on the Jan. 19 dinner, email Sandi Gowers at sa*********@ya***.com.