I can’t help but see the correlation between DA John Sarsfield’s
criminal grand jury and Richard Scagliotti’s investigation for
unfair, unethical and possibly illegal activities while serving as
county supervisor. What better way to circumvent the truth about
political corruption than to convene a secret jury and dismiss the
charges behind closed doors? Scagliotti has become a millionaire as
a developer and some of the residential developments he is
responsible for contributed to Hollister’s sewer plant
“I can’t help but see the correlation between DA John Sarsfield’s criminal grand jury and Richard Scagliotti’s investigation for unfair, unethical and possibly illegal activities while serving as county supervisor. What better way to circumvent the truth about political corruption than to convene a secret jury and dismiss the charges behind closed doors? Scagliotti has become a millionaire as a developer and some of the residential developments he is responsible for contributed to Hollister’s sewer plant problems.

Yet, he has the hypocritical audacity and arrogance to blame out-of-town developers for issues associated with growth. What we now know is that the City of Hollister was poorly managed over the course of several administrations spanning the last 20 years. Had the city maintained its water and sewer systems, raised rates to cover capital improvements and charged appropriate impact fees to pay for the sewer treatment plant expansion over the years, we wouldn’t have the devastating fiscal crisis we are now facing.

Scagliotti should know better, but instead supports Mandy Rose’s myopic Measure G. Mandy Rose and her Sierra Club friends developed a document that benefits future Scagliotti developments and unfairly hurts every other farming and ranching family who made San Benito County the great place to live that it is today. It’s called Measure G, as in, ‘Gee, let’s screw the farmers!'”

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