44.9 F
March 13, 2025

Community Board: Gavilan leadership change is long past due

The future of Gavilan College leadership is completely up in the air, and that’s a good thing for San Benito County.

Community Board: Explore district consolidation

It is well past the appropriate time for a serious, outside, unbiased study on the potential for school district consolidation in San Benito County.

Community Board: Supervisors must represent all constituents

No matter where supervisors end up locating a permanent homeless shelter in San Benito County, it is clear that government officials initially pushed through the consideration with little interest in getting input from residents near the previously chosen Southside Road location.

Community Board: Hollister Airshow needs turnaround

There is no doubt the Hollister Airshow provides some level of promotion for the Hollister Municipal Airport, but the event has to get back in the black or near a point of revenue neutrality next year for the city to continue investing in it.

Community Board: We’ll believe it when San Justo reopens

It’s surprisingly nice to hear that the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is finally wrapping up an offensively long review process before treating a mussel infestation at San Justo Reservoir just outside Hollister.

Community Board: Solutions for Hollister’s helmet problem

There are three crucial components to solve Hollister’s serious safety problem with lacking helmet use by minors on skateboards, bicycles and scooters.

Community Board: General plan wisely allows for growth

After eight years of discussions, workshops, hiring and firing of consultants, environmental reviews and tense debates, county supervisors approved a new general plan as the blueprint for future development.

Community Board: Spike fireworks fines, do enforcement blitz

Political leadership and law enforcement’s general passivity toward illegal fireworks is a serious public-safety problem, but neighbors must play a more active role in reporting the dangerous crimes as well.

Community Board: Early last call pours money down drain

Hollister officials’ decision to halt alcohol sales at midnight in the biker-rally area was a misguided, snap judgment and cost business owners significant revenue.

Community Board: Agencies ought to move now on solar project

There never really was a doubt that San Benito County supervisors would support the Panoche Valley Solar Project, a 247-megawatt effort set to result in an estimated 500 construction jobs locally and even more over the long term. It’s less clear, though, how four state and federal agencies might rule on the project opposed by an array of big environmental groups and neighbors of the site.

