Community Insight: Biker rally; bike lanes; yoga center
With a slew of events to cover from the holiday period and after, we’re presenting an installment of Thumbs Up-Thumbs Down to indicate our support or opposition on local topics. This week, all of the selected topics incited positive responses from the Community Insight Board.
Community Insight: Johnson has been bright spot for Hollister
It was sad to see the news that longtime City Clerk Geri Johnson is set to retire soon from the City of Hollister.
Community Insight: Crack down on skaters at memorial
When it comes to skateboarders abusing the Veterans Memorial Building property, enough is enough.
Community Insight: Silicon Valley startup gives lift-off to economy
It is exciting to see that a startup with Silicon Valley fingerprints is making its home in Hollister.
Community Insight: Motorcycle rally needs marketing boost
With the likelihood of a new promoter on the way for the Hollister Rally, organizers must be more aggressive in marketing the city’s signature event across the region and beyond.
Community Insight: Traffic cop can slow chaos on roads
It’s encouraging to see the Hollister Police Department pursuing the possibility of adding a motorcycle traffic cop to the force in order to crack down on local drivers using our increasingly chaotic roadways.
Community Insight: Park Hill getting needed upgrade
It’s great to see Hollister leaders dedicating funds toward new playground equipment, including a structure at Park Hill.
Community Insight Board: Measure J taught us locals care
In certain respects, the tension-laced debate over Measure J was unhealthy and unnecessary, and at times personal. The fervor on both sides of the issue, however, showed a lot about local residents’ passions for this county.
Community Insight Board: Better safe than sorry on police cameras
It is better safe than sorry when it comes to the increased use of surveillance cameras attached to police officers’ bodies or vehicles.
Community board: Deception defines Measure J campaigns
While this board and its members' conflicting views on Measure J reflect the wider community's disparity in opinions, there is general agreement on one thing: Organized campaigns on both sides of the issue have used deception in trying to steer public sentiments.