Dunne Park Memorial Rose Garden Annual Pruning
Blustery winds and scattered showers didn’t stop Teresa Mitzel’s
4-H group (Fairview Chapter) from tackling the Dunne Park Memorial
Rose Garden on Saturday.
Dunne Park Memorial Rose Garden Annual Pruning
Blustery winds and scattered showers didn’t stop Teresa Mitzel’s 4-H group (Fairview Chapter) from tackling the Dunne Park Memorial Rose Garden on Saturday.
The group had a great turnout of volunteers, including many parents and grandparents. This Fairview 4-H Chapter completed their annual pruning of the roses, complete with general cleanup, weeding, raking and mulching. The students did a fantastic job of making sure there will be an excellent showing of flowers in the spring.
The volunteers included: Misty Liddle, Andrew Liddle, Alicia Liddle, Audrey Liddle, Kurt Stricker, Chad Stricker, Kristiana Stricker, Delores Lashley, Charlie Lashley, Justin Lashley, Dena Bless, Cristina Bless, Jessica Bless, Teresa Mitzel, Bruce Mitzel, Jordan Mitzel, Taylor Mitzel, Christian Puccinelli and her grandmother, Hunter Yeates and his grandmother, Nick Vincent, Mason Freitas and Michael Avena.