In a recent issue of the Free Lance, I noticed a letter from our recently retired Hollister City Clerk Geri Johnson, thanking all who helped with the 4th of July celebration committee. This brought to mind: Just how many residents of Hollister know of how much this wonderful lady has cheerfully done for all of us? As a valuable city employee, I wonder if we all ever know of her accomplishments in addition to her formalized duties.
In addition to those duties, Geri was always present and available helping out with the Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer Society and other such organizations. I believe we all owe her a big thank you and wishes for a prolonged and successful retirement.
Geri did a wonderful job as city clerk in spite of sometimes less than ideal city managers and city councils that we elected that she honestly and stoically put up with.
Happy retirement, Geri!
Ed Rollins, Hollister