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September 7, 2024

Guest View: Watershed thinking and Measure Q

I have been thinking a lot lately about measure Q and the importance of slowing growth, protecting both open space and the environment as well as preserving agriculture in our region. I have had the incredible opportunity, over my lifetime, to spend a considerable...

Guest view: Special interests destroy our community

Benjamin Franklin said there were two things certain in life: Death and taxes! When it comes to special interests’ involvement in influencing our government, I can add two more certainties: Bad policies and more taxes to cover the costs of those policies. To be clear,...

Guest view: Downtown businesses come together for Hollister parklets

As the name suggests, “small” business means the owner is, most likely, working. So, to see around 18 Hollister downtown business owners together at the Oct. 17 meeting was an unusual treat. Thanks to the Hollister City Manager, David Mirrione, and Development Services Director,...

Guest view: San Benito needs a second high school

By working together, our community has made it possible for San Benito High School to create a world-class learning and working environment for students and staff members. During its more than 125-year history, San Benito High School District has grown along with our community....

Guest view: Library expansion a big win for the community

The San Benito County Free Library will undergo a significant expansion in the coming years with the help of an enormous grant, but that’s not the only exciting progress for the local library this year.  If you’re not aware, library staff recently announced the county...

Guest view: Water conservation is essential

The Western United States is experiencing one of the most extensive and intense droughts on record. January through April were the driest first four months in California’s recorded history, the state’s largest reservoirs are at critically low storage levels, and the state’s snowpack level...

Guest view: San Juan Highway project gains financial support

I’m pleased to announce that due to my consistently vocal advocacy, the county is moving forward on plans to repave the segment of San Juan Highway that runs along Anzar High School.  This long overdue project could start as early as this summer, but the...

Guest view: Landfill is a vital community asset

There has been a lot of talk recently about the John Smith Landfill and the fact that San Benito County accepts garbage from Santa Clara County. As the President of the San Benito County Business Council and a former County Supervisor who was involved...

Guest view: Slow our growth

If there is one thing most of us can agree on, it is that we need to slow our growth.

Guest view: Sign up for vaccine on My Turn site

By Kollin Kosmicki San Benito County experienced two significant milestones this past week with regard to Covid-19.  For one, we moved from the most restrictive “Purple” tier to the less restrictive “Red” tier for state guidance. This allows us to permit such activities as dining, fitness...

