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September 7, 2024

High hopes abroad for new U.S. president

A word of caution about great expectations for a new US

Sensationalizing the plane crash

I'm appalled that quotes referring to the length of time at the

Gambling obstacles with casino issues in State of California

Gamblers tell you there are no sure things, but it's a near

It’s time to build steam for nuclear power plants

Next year marks the 30th anniversary of the accident at Three

Letter: Sam Farr, we are so disappointed in you

Sam, without staff you are no longer able to keep facts straight, and whoever wrote the endorsement of Measure Q for you did you a great disservice. (Replying to “Opinion: Control the future of your county” from the Oct. 21 Free Lance.) First off, you—as...

It’s time to dump a Cold War relic

For more than 100 years, California had a perfectly good oath of

Measure G isn’t controlling growth, it’s controlling land rights

Most county residents are reacting to growth in the city limits.

Local Opinions

Q: How do you feel about a second Bush presidency?

Letter: Confusion on Measure J pamphlets

This weekend we received two pamphlets regarding Measure J. It seems that “Yes on J” means no to fracking but it allows conventional oil drilling.

Guest View: Velazquez says he will lead city down right road

As a candidate for mayor of Hollister I've been receiving many phone calls on my ideas and views on many of the current hot-button issues, such as Measure E and the dire financial straits that the city is currently facing. I'm also asked for my thoughts on the other candidates running for mayor of Hollister. But the top question I get is – are you crazy? Why would you want to do something where people will just criticize you and dig up everything about your life? The answer is always the same; if I don't try to do something those same people that complain about everything and everyone will continue leading us down the wrong road. Besides my life has always been an open book. Yes, like most business owners in Hollister and most residents I took a financial beating over the last several years. I struggled to keep my businesses open, I had my pay cut by 60%, I had to fight banks that wanted to close lines of credit and I even had trouble paying my mortgages and property taxes. Tough times to say the least, unfortunately many other local businesses couldn't make it through these tough times. I will use the lessons I learned over the last few years to help get us back on track. It's time we work together to support our local businesses so that they can support us.

