70.4 F
September 18, 2024

Letter to the editor: Keep sending mail

The United States Postal Service is committed to delivering your mail and packages throughout the current pandemic.

Letters: PORC tried to bully board of supervisors

The proponents of a radical initiative have picked the worst possible time to put a stranglehold on the local economy.

Guest view: No new housing bills

Some want to take it a step further, urging that all non-essential legislation be postponed until 30 days after the statewide “shelter in place” order has been lifted.

Guest view: State places homeless in hotels

Amid an alarming spike in the spread of coronavirus in shelters and criticism that hotel rooms are sitting empty, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday that nearly 900 homeless Californians have been placed into hotels and motels under a first-in-the-nation federal partnership to provide shelter during the coronavirus outbreak.

Guest view: Unfit to lead

Rather than using their time and their positions to address the many crises facing our community during this growing coronavirus pandemic, they instead showed their contempt for the will of the people.

Letters: Act now for economic development

PORC’s rabid opposition to this zone change is misguided and perplexing when our county is desperate for jobs.

Goodbye to former columnist

Marty Richman gave readers a window into his mind and life for nearly seven years as a columnist for the Hollister Free Lance.  Those who read his regular column from December 2007 until October 2014 knew he was brutally honest, immensely analytical and unabashedly bold...

Save the local economy

Open letter to the San Benito County Supervisors and Community: Before March 3, we had Measure K. A ballot measure designed to halt a new zoning ordinance that was applied to four commercial projects at currently developed locations on Highway 101. Today, on March 24, the...

Letters: Candidate endorsements

Kollin Kosmicki I’m endorsing Kollin Kosmicki for District 2 supervisor because he has real plans for progress for San Benito County, plans that don’t rely on unsightly developments along the HWY 101 corridor near Aromas. Kollin Kosmicki understands that supervisors are supposed to represent the...

Why I opposed Eckert

Unfortunately, Hollister’s botched first round in its search for a new city manager has become a political football. I believe that it’s vital for our residents to know the facts so they can be confident that the majority are making decisions in the best...

