Thumbs down to your call for increased public sector transit in
south Santa Clara County and San Benito County. History shows the
VTA model for transport to be bankrupt, corrupt, taxpayer hurting,
small business killing, job destroying, government blight,
politician and public union boondoggles of the worst kind.
Thumbs up to you guys learning what the governor’s think tank
recommends for California’s budget deficit solution, free market,
private sector economics.
Dear Editor,
Thumbs down to your call for increased public sector transit in south Santa Clara County and San Benito County. History shows the VTA model for transport to be bankrupt, corrupt, taxpayer hurting, small business killing, job destroying, government blight, politician and public union boondoggles of the worst kind.
Thumbs up to you guys learning what the governor’s think tank recommends for California’s budget deficit solution, free market, private sector economics.
Enough Socialist destruction of our sate.
Joe Thompson, Tres Piños