Dear Editor,
After continued law suits, the DA’s family pet poisoned and one recall attempt had failed to chase DA John Sarsfield out of town, Ignacio Velazquez, county Supervisor Jamie De La Cruz’s yes man, or is it the other way around, served DA Sarsfield another intent to recall.
De La Cruz, accused of voter fraud, must think county residents are stupid when saying he’s not involved with the recall and needs to stay impartial. While speaking on the recall, Jamie conveniently leaves out the fact that Velazquez is his adviser plus Jamie has a $5 million lawsuit against the board of supervisors (county taxpayers) to include the DA.
One reason for the recall Velazquez stated, “If he (Sarsfield) continues it’s just going to cost the county hundreds of thousands of dollars.” But it took John Hodges to say a recall election could cost the county tax payers over $100,000.
Not only is this close little group of De La Cruz, his campaign manager Ignacio and the continuing Los Valientes saga undermining the ability of our county officials to work efficiently for its residents, but now it puts a costly burden on the taxpayers.
To do their dirty work and advance the hate spewed like that of Los Valientes, Ignacio and associates need signatures of 5,150 county voter signatures for the recall to qualify for an election.
Ignacio looses all creditability when he says, “If they sign a recall petition it’s strictly confidential and there is no way anyone else will have access to it.” Well, if inclined, Ignacio’s group of signature gatherers have hands on access to signed petitions to copy names and address that can be used for future misdeeds.
However, it’s hard to believe registered voters want their intelligence insulted and good name tarnished by association with secret identity groups and will see through this recall sham created by Ignacio and De La Cruz.
In moving our community forward, this attempt, like the last, will be rejected by the fine people of San Benito County.
Paul Grannis, Hollister