The Hollister Skate Park is the place to be since San Benito County allowed parks and outdoor facilities to reopen under an updated version of the state’s Covid-19 outdoor playground guidance.
David Baldovinos was working on some tricks inside the bowl area and trying to knock out a grind on one of the rails. He said it feels amazing to get back outdoors and on his board.
“Once they took the fence down I was here everyday,” he said.
The 24-year old Hollister native has been skating since he was in high school but he took a break from it after enrolling in college. Baldovinos said he’s been getting back into the groove of things, especially after not being able to use the skate park because of restrictions due to Covid-19. “It’s good to have this open now,” he said. Visit https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ to see a list of what activities and businesses that are open under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy guidelines.